Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher G055 - Lecture 16 The Pre-Release
Session Objectives Understand the requirements of the pre-release for this unit
Pre-Release Tasks Your pre-release for this unit has 3 different tasks and is worth 30 marks out of 100 (i.e. 30% of the final mark), The marks vary for each task from session to session task 1 always carries no marks, task 2/3 have 30 marks spilt between them and allocation changes, The case study will be the same between the Jan and June sessions although you will have to do different tasks, Remember to label each task clearly and all sheets should have your name, candidate number and centre number on so if they get detached during marking process can be returned.
Task #1 Make notes on the bullet points given within the case study, Gives an idea of what topics will be tested on the exam paper, Ensure this task is complete as you can reference it during the exam – its like a bible if done properly, DO NOT copy content directly from websites or text books, Content needs to be written in your own words and applied to the case study, e.g. Computech could use IPX/SPX protocol as its routable however is not widely supported by different operating systems or hardware devices. Include any sources used within this task so its clear where content is from, DO NOT include any content which is not asked for in the bullet points.
Task 2 Typically worth 21 marks, 3 different parts to the task – a diagram, a table, an evaluation Diagram – 6ish marks Logical or physical network diagram showing how computers and other hardware connect together to form a suitable network for the case study Table – 12ish marks A table which requires you to explain parts used within the diagram – the focus does change ensure you check what it is this time Evaluation of methods used to find information for the task - 3 marks L (1mark) Some statement is made relating to the methods used to find information needed to complete the task M (2 marks) Methods used are stated and some advantages / disadvantages are given H (3 marks) Methods used are stated along with advantages AND disadvantages. Should also be some consideration of improvements for next time.
Task word report which asks you to investigate different methods / services / technologies to complete a task, Typically marked out of 9 it’s a banded response mark scheme where the more application given means higher the mark, SPAG could be assessed during this task and if so will be included within a band L (1-3 marks) Limited identification of services/ technologies not explained or applied to case study. Work may contain several SPAG errors. M (4-6 marks) Range of services / technologies identified with description of each ones suitability / relevance to case study. Work will contain few SPAG errors. H (7-9 marks) Each service / technology is described fully and its potential use is evaluated in terms of suitability for the case study. Work will contain no obvious SPAG errors.
Steps Forward Your teacher will give you a copy of this sessions pre-release – READ IT SEVERAL TIMES so you fully understand what is required, Take special care when reading task 2 – The diagram required: Is it a physical or logical diagram required? How many workstations needed? Is wireless networking required – if so how many access points needed? What other services needed e.g. , internet, printing as this will affect the hardware and software needed What table is required? Ensure only the correct items are listed in your response – read what is expected e.g. hardware, software, connection devices Commence your tasks - ensure all are done to the best of your ability.