1 Work on collection and dissemination of information on methods and tools to assess impacts of, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. UNFCCC Compendium. O. Pilifosova MIS,UNFCCC secretariat Manila April, 2004
2 Mandate Decisions 9/CP.3: –continue work on the synthesis and dissemination of information, conducive to... adapting to climate change, particularly to assess different adaptation strategies; –accelerate the development of these methodologies SBSTA conclusions: –endorsed the acceleration and broadening of the work of the secretariat on methods and tolls to assess impacts of and vulnerability and adaptation to Climate change; –hold workshops and expert meetings –liaise with UN organisations
3 Goals –enhance dissemination of methods and quality of information on them; –to encourage and assist Parties in applying the best available methods; –promote improving quality of methodologies;
4 Compendium Initial Compendium on methods and tool to assess adaptation strategies –1999 V&A assessment process has developed New mandate was given by the SBSTA TAR was issued 17/CP.8 made a reference to the Compendium Reinvigorated Compendium of methods and tools to evaluate impacts of, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change –2003
5 What methods and tools? A number of approaches: framework for entire process of V&A assessment Numerous methods/tools for each stage/step of assessment Methods: used to assess specific issues under an approach e.g. CC scenarios, cost analysis, risk assessment, stakeholder approaches etc. Tools: expert judgement; models; risk assessment tools; etc. Sources: UNEP HB, USCP, UN projects, AID programmes, academic institutions, NGOs, etc.
6 Updated compendium: tasks Capture major developments in the process of V&A assessment: two main approaches Be consistent with the User Manual and NAI guidelines Include “Most wanted” methods identified by Parties Cover at least 5 sectors Include additional/new sources of info: UN projects (UNEP/AIACC, UNDP/APF), FAO, WHO, UK, German, Netherlands DA, etc. Be straightforward to users and prescriptively neutral
7 Major developments V&A assessment- two main approaches
8 New developments: 2 approaches Scenario-Based Approach/Top-down Climate Change Scenario Biophysical Impacts Socio-Economic Impacts Adaptations to Impacts Residual or Net Impacts How dangerous is climate change? What are the key impacts/risks? Explored in first National Communications Contributed in the SAR and TAR IPCC reports Three main frameworks/sources
9 Current Adaptive Capacity Current Exposure Future Exposure Climate Science Social Science Current Vulnerability Future Vulnerability Vulnerability Approach (Bottom-up) -How to adapt to climate change? -New generation of V&A assessments. Science is emerging( 4AR.)- - Future Adaptive Capacity Current Vulnerability 3 main framework
10 Consistency with NG/UM NAI guidelines/User Manual on V&A Methodologies Encourage use of “appropriate” methodologies Report on methods used, including: –general approaches/frameworks for assessment –climate change and socio-economic scenarios, if appropriate –different methods and tools for impacts assessment –evaluation of adaptation options and strategies –policy frameworks for adaptation
11 Consistency with NG/UM NAI guidelines/User Manual on V&A reporting scope of their V&A assessment, including identification of most critical vulnerable areas information on their vulnerability to the impacts: key findings and direct and indirect impacts, allowing for an integrated analysis of the country’s vulnerability to climate change information on strategies and measures for adapting to climate change report on the use of policy frameworks in adapting to CC
12 “most wanted” methodologies Methodological needs for : selecting and testing GCM and downscale outputs evaluating, prioritize and cost adaptation options for future CC addressing vulnerability to extreme events developing socio-economic scenarios in complex circumstances integrating vulnerability and adaptation issues into economic and development planning processes assessing current vulnerabilities …
13 Up-dated Compendium:structure Comprehensive Frameworks and Supporting Toolkits (6) Cross-Cutting Issues and Multi-Sector Approaches –Application of Scenario Data in Impact and Adaptation Assessment (12) –Decision Tools (7) –Stakeholder Approaches (5) –Other Multisectoral Tools (6) Sector Oriented Tools –Agriculture (21) –Coastal zone (7) –Water (7) –Health (6) –Forest and vegetation (8)
14 Structure of the information about methods Description. Appropriate use. Scope. Key tools. Key outputs. Key inputs. Ease of use. Training required. Training offered. Computer requirements. Documentation. Applications. Contacts for tools, documentation, and technical assistance References.
15 Compendium: What it does and does not is not a “cookbook” not a manual describing how to implement each tool, but a survey provides users with key information about available frameworks and tools TO ENABLE THEM TO CHOOSE METHOD/tool is not a comprehensive source, but part of an ongoing process and should be considered a living document
16 Expert meeting on V&A methods/tools April, Manila Participants:14 experts from 8 countries and 2 UN organizations Objectives: –Review the information in the Compendium –Advise on review and improvements/next steps Output: –Revised compendium –Reports - on web&input to a bigger report TBD Overall assessment of the meeting: extremely useful
17 Expert meeting on V&A methods/tools April, Manila –Analyzed and assessed structure, scope, methods/tools and information about them –Agreed that it is a very rich pile of information, very helpful for NCs should to be maintained and periodically reviewed some changes (“aspirin” and “surgery”) can make it even more useful for NAI countries –Identified some gaps in both info and methods areas and means for improvement of the structure, scope of the overall document and information on methods –Proposed criteria for inclusion of new methods new methods for inclusion options/means for periodical review
18 Next steps –short term “Aspirin” type improvements, e.g.: –glossary of terms, –clearer division between “methods”, “frameworks” and “tools”, –updating web links, references –correcting mistakes –adding new methods in 3 sectors + ASAP
19 Next steps –longer term –“Surgery” improvements, e.g.: data base, user-friendly interface, searching engine introducing more “evaluative” approach to information on methods, etc. –Future reviews/updating: periodical reviews, and periodic updating through meetings, conference calls, creating a review network, etc. Subject Availability of Recourses
20 Next steps - next Side event at SBSTA 20: presentation, experience on applying methods in the Compendium – June See you there Thank you.