HEPTech Workshop on Marketing of Science and Technologies 24 September, Plovdiv Key Issues Bojil Dobrev, Sofia Univesity
What is the aim of Marketing of Science and Technologies? To raise awareness To establish links between academia and industry To establish collaboration in research To find opportunities for funding of research To sell technologies and to earn money
. What is the target group? Industry Research institutions Local government /Public Administration City infrastructure Citizens
What should be promoted? Prototypes Technologies Patents Licenses Research capacity Research infrastructure
What we expect? To sell licenses To sell products/ technologies To sell brains To provide infrastructure To do collaborative and contract research
Should researchers be seen as : Suppliers to the industry Customers of the industry Drivers of the industry
The most used marketing tools are : ( based on the HEPTech Survey, 2013 ) On line marketing ( web based ) AIMEs Direct marketing Promotional materials and publications Fairs and other events