Accuracy Vs. Precision Unit 1: Scientific Process Physical Science Steinbrink
What is Accuracy? Accuracy is the ability to get close to a target value Accuracy is making an exact measurement
What is Precision? Precision is about how results are grouped or spread or, said in another way, how repeatable the results are.
This archer is both accurate and precise. Why? The arrows are grouped close together (Precise) & are on the target (Accurate)
This archer is not accurate because he hasn't hit the target however we can say that he is at least precise.
The third archer is neither accurate nor precise because his shots are spread out and have landed away from the bullseye overall.
Something to think about… You can’t be more accurate than your least accurate measurement.
A Review… Accuracy is the ability to get close to a target value Precision is about how results are grouped or spread or, said in another way, how repeatable they are.