Global Processes, Including C, N Cycles and the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere General Needs: To reduce uncertainties for key measurements To increase spatial/temporal coverage for key species/parameters To fill gaps in present suite of surface, remote, airborne measurements Focus determined by science needs, technological advances, and community cooperation to improve measurement confidence, data set comparability,and accessibility Primarily in situ focus, likely a function of group backgrounds
Surface network measurements (e.g. Ameriflux, Aeronet, GAW)Surface network measurements (e.g. Ameriflux, Aeronet, GAW) cross-calibration to link multiple data setscross-calibration to link multiple data sets consistency of coverage, accuracy, precisionconsistency of coverage, accuracy, precision contribute a centralized repository of data in a synthesized form that is/can be made available to other communitiescontribute a centralized repository of data in a synthesized form that is/can be made available to other communities modellingmodelling satellite measuremensatellite measuremen What to do about undersampled regions?What to do about undersampled regions? LAOF facilities can play a role to link and validate diverse data sets such as surface meaasurements, satellite measurements, and model productsLAOF facilities can play a role to link and validate diverse data sets such as surface meaasurements, satellite measurements, and model products
Aerosol measurement Science need: still a large uncertainty in IPCC assessment of aerosol indirect effectScience need: still a large uncertainty in IPCC assessment of aerosol indirect effect Steps needed:Steps needed: predict CCN contribution to accumulation mode aerosolspredict CCN contribution to accumulation mode aerosols connection between CCN and radiative propertiesconnection between CCN and radiative properties Measurement needs:Measurement needs: more frequent CCN measurements or find surrogate correlation (e.g. CCN-AOD) to link rad effect to present network measurementsmore frequent CCN measurements or find surrogate correlation (e.g. CCN-AOD) to link rad effect to present network measurements additional supersaturationsadditional supersaturations reduce incidence of pressure perturbationsreduce incidence of pressure perturbations method validation exercisesmethod validation exercises intercomparisonsintercomparisons compare measurements in specific areas to physical modelscompare measurements in specific areas to physical models
Aerosol measurement Science need: Better understanding of drizzle genesis processesScience need: Better understanding of drizzle genesis processes Measurement needs:Measurement needs: scattering aerosol probes inadequate for measuring precipitation sized droplets (1-10 um range)scattering aerosol probes inadequate for measuring precipitation sized droplets (1-10 um range) new technologies show promise for improvementsnew technologies show promise for improvements phase doppler in situ methodphase doppler in situ method 95 and 220 GHz radar95 and 220 GHz radar
Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Science needs: Climate change characterization, trends SH underrepresented Characterization and effects of land use change Emission database validation and improvement
Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles CO2CO2 surface measurements ok, cross validation a focus areasurface measurements ok, cross validation a focus area airborne fluxes can easily develop correlated motion sensitivity -> artifactairborne fluxes can easily develop correlated motion sensitivity -> artifact MethaneMethane more extensive, higher resolution measurements needed, especially fluxesmore extensive, higher resolution measurements needed, especially fluxes Soil moisture, temperature -> N cycleSoil moisture, temperature -> N cycle VOCs to better understand emissions, gas phase transformation, and the role of VOCs in aersool formation processesVOCs to better understand emissions, gas phase transformation, and the role of VOCs in aersool formation processes other N species: PANs, NH3, N2Oother N species: PANs, NH3, N2O Hg: oxidized species measurement a hot new area of researchHg: oxidized species measurement a hot new area of research
UT/LS Science needs:Science needs: compositioncomposition mechanisms of exchangemechanisms of exchange trends with climate changetrends with climate change to what degree does strat O3 contribute to tropospheric levels?to what degree does strat O3 contribute to tropospheric levels? Measurement need: H2OMeasurement need: H2O many methods, lots of disagreementmany methods, lots of disagreement increased coordination of validation across organization, but we need moreincreased coordination of validation across organization, but we need more community calibration facility needed for absolute and relative humidity measurementscommunity calibration facility needed for absolute and relative humidity measurements could be extended to other species (e.g. co2)could be extended to other species (e.g. co2) profile measurements: Reference radiosonde developmentprofile measurements: Reference radiosonde development profile measurements: LIDAR a gapprofile measurements: LIDAR a gap
UT/LS GPS measurements may be a missed opportunityGPS measurements may be a missed opportunity need for more extensive routine measurements covering a broader spatial extentneed for more extensive routine measurements covering a broader spatial extent either as surface network or deployable facilitieseither as surface network or deployable facilities not expensivenot expensive