ACHPER NSW Community and Family Studies HSC Enrichment Days 2015 Groups in Context Category A - Homeless People
Learning intentions We are learning to: Explore groups within the community with a focus on the Category A group – Homeless people Understand the issues of concern for homeless people with a focus on adequate standard of living and employment What we are looking for: How does terminology used by the community impact on the wellbeing of homeless people? Analyse the relationship between the factors affecting access to services and the satisfaction of TWO significant needs of homeless people
Snapshot of Homeless people in Australia 1 in 7 are over 55years of age 27% of the homeless are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
Rethink hoMElessness
Rethink hoMElessness
Terminology used by the community Perceptions of homeless people differ according to the type of homelessness.
Negative terminology or perceptions of homeless people often stem from justifications by the wider community. Terminology used by the community CategoriesTerminology / Perceptions Competitiveness Beggars Lazy Worth Displaced Deserving Appearance Dirty Scruffy Pity Helpless Victims
Terminology used by the community Homeless youth who perceive themselves as resilient are less likely to feel hopeless, lonely, or to engage in dangerous behaviours.
SATISFACTION OF NEEDS Issues of concern for Homeless people -Financial support services -Transport services -Accommodation and housing services -Health care services -Counselling services -Education services -Employment services -Legal aid services -Other services 1.Identify the TWO significant needs for this homeless person. 2.Discuss with a partner and list in the table the potential implications if each need is not met. 3.Select TWO types of services from the list below that this individual would require access to and briefly outline how this service would assist in satisfying each need.
ACCESS TO SERVICES Issues of concern for Homeless people Accommodation and Housing Other services Employment Services
ONLY HUMAN Rethink hoMElessness Homelessness is everyone’s responsibility