Bringing Them Home Counselling Service UnitingCare Burnside’s Bringing Them Home Counselling Service was funded in April 2009 via a direct tender at the request of the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. BTH service consists of a female and a male counsellor and services both Dubbo and Narromine. It also has 100% Aboriginal Reference Group that provides cultural direction and assistance as required. Aims to provide counselling and support services to people affected as a result of forced removal policies and practices of past governments. This includes counselling before, after and during family reunions. Counselling is delivered in a comfortable environment such as the family home, on traditional homelands, etc. The service also provides weekly Elder groups visits, outreach for men and annual Healing Camps.
Bringing Them Home Counsellors and Bringing Them Home Reference Group Cultural Advisors. L to R Back: Maurice Wright (BTH Counsellor), Uncle Ray Peckham, Uncle John Hill, Audrey Gibbs (Senior BTH Counsellor). L to R Front: Aunty Alice Silva, Aunty Neita Scott, Aunty Pat Doolan.
BTH male clients healing on country
BTH female clients participating in Family History Research
UnitingCare Burnside’s Bringing Them Home Staff: Maurice Wright, Counsellor and Audrey Gibbs, Senior Counsellor.