National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure An Architectural Process Overview Presented by Eliot Christian USGS/FGDC
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Presentation Outline Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) Federal Policy (Circular A-16) Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture Technical Standards Framework Data
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Presentation Outline Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) Federal Policy (Circular A-16) Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture Technical Standards Framework Data
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March What is a Spatial Data Infrastructure? SDI’s are composed of organizations or cross-cutting communities who adopt common standards for geospatial data Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) members represent National SDI’s (about 50 at present) GSDI Clearinghouse currently has 381 "nodes" (searchable metadata collections)
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Objectives for Spatial Data Infrastructures source: Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Clearinghouse Geoparser Reduce deployment costs by reusing information from other communities Tools to provide custom information to users Foundation for interoperable service networks Easier access to multiple online info sources and services Use and reuse different vendor solutions. Vendor Data Local Government National Government Other Collections Clearinghouse Whoville Cedar Lake Whoville Cedar Lake Buildings Roads Images Targets Boundaries... Catalog View Common interfaces enable interoperability Queries extract info from diverse sources Integrated View Gazetteer Coordinate Transform Web Mapping Server, Web Feature Server, Web Coverage Server Catalog Services Other Services Metadata Data Metadata Data Metadata Data Metadata Internet Geoparser Geocoder
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Presentation Outline Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) Federal Policy (Circular A-16) Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture Technical Standards Framework Data
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) Section 216 of the E-Government Act, "Common Protocols for Geographic Information Systems", establishes in law the authorities and responsibilities of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) The law defines "geographic information" as: "information systems that involve locational data, such as maps or other geospatial information resources"
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) E-Government Act of 2002 requires: the development of common protocols for the development, acquisition, maintenance, distribution, and application of geographic information [...] The common protocols shall be designed to (1) maximize the degree to which unclassified geographic information from various sources can be made electronically compatible and accessible; and (2) promote the development of interoperable geographic information systems technologies
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Requirements of Law and Policy Federal Policy (Circular A-16) OMB Circular A-16: "establishes a coordinated approach to electronically develop the National Spatial Data Infrastructure" Purpose of the NSDI: To encourage the collection, processing, archiving, integration, and sharing of geospatial data and information using common standards and interoperable systems and techniques
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Requirements of Law and Policy Federal Policy (Circular A-16) "provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain or use spatial data either directly or indirectly" directs such agencies, "both internally and through their activities involving partners, grants, and contracts" to: (1) Prepare, maintain, publish, and implement a strategy for advancing geographic information and related spatial data activities appropriate to their mission, in support of the NSDI Strategy. [...] (2) Collect, maintain, disseminate, and preserve spatial information such that the resulting data, information, or products can be readily shared with other federal agencies and non-federal users, and promote data integration between all sources. [...]
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Requirements of Law and Policy Federal Policy (Circular A-16) (4) Use FGDC data standards, FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, and other appropriate standards, documenting spatial data with the relevant metadata, and making metadata available online through a registered NSDI-compatible Clearinghouse node. [...] Before the obligation of funds, ensure that all expenditures for spatial data and related systems activities financed directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by federal funds are compliant with the standards and provisions of the FGDC. All Information Technology systems which process spatial data should identify planned investments for spatial data and compliance with FGDC standards within the Exhibit 300 capital asset and business plan submission (see OMB Circular A-11, sec. 300).
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Extensive partnerships established Law and policy for federal spatial data President’s management agenda initiative E-Government portal developed Clearinghouse network thriving Standards – international, national, community
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Partnerships Metadata Data Clearinghouse (catalog) Standards Framework
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Toward a National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Given SDI requirements under U.S. law and policy, How can the U.S. NSDI leverage aspects of Enterprise Architecture?
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Presentation Outline Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) Requirements of Law and Policy E-Government Act (FGDC) Federal Policy (Circular A-16) Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture Technical Standards Framework Data
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture Software components of systems are now built to interoperate primarily through the passing of structured messages at interfaces designed for networking Each set of operations exposed at such a network interface is defined as a “ service ” NSDI requires this interoperability approach, known as a Services Oriented Architecture
Example: Web Map Service (“getMap”) request=getMap&version=1.1.1&srs=EPSG:4326&width=1000&height=500& format=image/jpeg&bBox=-77.02,38.885,-77.01,38.895& layers=UA_ORTHO_Washington01&
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Process for Achieving Interoperability Services Oriented Architecture A small number of well-defined and commonly supported services provide broad NSDI interoperability Registries of services (e.g, UDDI, ebXML, GSA Core.Gov,...) can be helpful if there are many service specifications in use NSDI Services could be delineated in an FEA Services Reference Model (SRM)
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Process for Achieving Interoperability Technical Standards U.S. NSDI employs various standards, e.g., OGC Web Map Service, Web Coverage Service, Web Feature Service ISO (information search and retrieval service) ISO/IEC (metadata registries) ISO (documentation and representation) ISO 3166 (place codes) ... among others NSDI Technical Standards could be listed in an FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM)
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Process for Achieving Interoperability Framework Data "Framework" refers to a collaborative effort on seven themes of commonly used digital geographic data: geodetic control orthoimagery elevation transportation hydrography governmental units cadastral (land ownership)
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March Process for Achieving Interoperability Framework Data Key aspects of Framework Data: institutional relationships and business practices that encourage the maintenance and use of data procedures, technology, and guidelines that provide for integration, sharing, and use of these data NSDI Framework Data could align to the FEA Data Reference Model (DRM)
National Geospatial Enterprise Architecture N S D I National Spatial Data Infrastructure 15 March An Architectural Process Overview Summary Law and policy for NSDI, other SDI's, already require Services Oriented Architecture, and emphasize open standards for data, metadata, and services NSDI services could be delineated in an FEA Services Reference Model (SRM) NSDI technical standards could be listed in an FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM) NSDI Framework Data could align to the FEA Data Reference Model (DRM)