Update on The Governor’s Emergency Planning and Preparedness Initiative (EPPI) and The Statewide Exercise June 14, 2012
Governor’s Emergency Planning and Preparedness Initiative GOALS include: Enhance existing planning by August 1 Increase quality of communications among local/state/utilities Hold a real-time exercise by September 1, involving state agencies, municipalities, and private sector, including utilities 2
Work Groups Groups meeting to work on the EPPI include: Energy and Utilities Exercise State/Local Officials Training Technology (WebEOC, GIS, Communications with Utilities) Training (NIMS) Resource Support/Commodities Mass Care Groups include a wide variety of representatives from local, state, federal government, private sector 3
Planning Products The following will be ready in time for the Statewide Exercise: All-hazards Energy and Utilities Annex to State Response Framework Similar Annex for Local Emergency Operations Plans (LEOPs) State Commodities Distribution Standard Operating Procedure, with easy- to- use form Updated Mass Care Annex Template for LEOPs
Training Products Examples Include: Municipal CEO Training Power Point and Handout Overview for Executives and Senior Officials on Connecticut Emergency Management and Response Power Point
Statewide Exercise When? July 28 or July 30 = Pre Landfall Preparation July 29 or July 31 = Post Landfall Response and Recovery Day 1: At least 8 am to 12 noon Day 2: At least 8 am to 2 pm
Exercise Objectives Town Emergency Operations Center/ Unified Command – Municipalities active EOCs, actually convene Unified Command members, review/update/use plans – Create an Incident Action Plan for both days Practice Local/State Communications Processes/Procedures – Web EOC – Interaction with DEMHS Regional Offices – Communications Flow (ex., send a commodities request)
Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Exercise the “Make Safe” Scenario – Some towns in each DEMHS region will actually drill their Public Works crews with utility crews – All towns will work with their Unified Command and their utility liaison to review and update identified priorities, submit a work request, and receive a response
Exercise Objectives (cont’d) Sheltering – All towns will review local shelter operations procedures and, at a minimum, conduct a sheltering table-top exercise/facilitated discussion with Unified Command and EOC staff, using the updated Mass Care sheltering guidance – In addition, some towns will use their shelter procedures to open a shelter for simulated or actual overnight – In addition, some towns in each DEMHS Region will work with other towns to open a multi-town shelter and maintain an overnight operation.
Participation is the Key to Success The exercise has been made a grant deliverable (one less thing to have to do!) Good communications are critical. Getting together to address issues now (who is responsible for what) will help to spread the workload, and save time and energy when a serious incident occurs We have provided the tools to succeed: Energy and Utilities Restoration Annex, Mass Care Annex, examples of Incident Action Plans, suggested members of Unified Command, etc… The topics for Day 1 pre-landfall will be provided at least two weeks in advance. A Sim (simulation)-Cell Organization will provide injects during the exercise.
Sim–Cell Organization Sim-Cell Leader Sim-Cell State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) Sim-Cell SEOC Regional Offices Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sim-Cell Subject Matter Experts Web EOC Make Safe Sheltering NIMS Sim-Cell Urban Search and Rescue