L EARNING J OURNAL By Emily Duong 8.7
D AY 1 - 2/8/10 – W EEK 4 Today, we were introduced to what we were doing in our Cornerstone Assessment and what we would be doing for the next week. I also achieved to finish my goal setting activities. Something that I dislike about the learning though is that we have to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox which is what I normally use and I have to try and get used to using Internet Explorer. I haven’t really learnt any new skill next but I will soon! I just got to keep FIGHTING!
D AY 2 - 3/8/10 – W EEK 4 Today, we continued finalising our Monday tasks. Talked about working parties and did some lotus diagram.
D AY 3 – 4/8/10 – W EEK 4 Was absent.
D AY 4 - 5/8/10 – W EEK 4 Have started finalising tasks for Tuesday and created Google account. I also experienced technical difficulties with my computer loading stuff. I also tried to make my survey but have had difficulties with some of the questions.
D AY 5 – 6/8/10 – W EEK 4 Went on Market Blues excursion.
D AY 1 – 23/8/10 – W EEK 7 Completed a few more surveys and tutorial 8 and the phase 2 introductory video. Also tried to figure out how to use the wiki spaces. Internet was down most of the time giving me problems of not getting much done.
D AY 2 – 24/8/10 – W EEK 7 Today, continued trying Wiki spaces began to explore what to do. The internet went down again and I had to come back t do my learning journal. Internet has been down for a while and it’s only period one...*sighs* Yay! Internet started to work again and now I’m sort of understanding how wiki spaces work. Still trying to figure out what to do on wiki.. Very different to other things I know how to do.
D AY 3 – 25/8/10 – W EEK 7 Was absent this day.
D AY 4 – 26/8/10 – W EEK 7 Have watched tutorials 13 and 14 and 15 today and created a new wiki called ColaborativeUnit as it is where I will be uploading my Collaborative Unit work. It’s also very weird because I don’t remember how to change the to settings again as I knew how change them when I was creating a ‘sample testing’ wiki. Yes!!! I finally get it now! I realised instead of clicking ‘edit’, I had to click ‘manage wiki’ instead. Yay!!! I also can now access my google account which wouldn’t sign me in before. YAY
D AY 5 – 27/8/10 – W EEK 7 Have looked at the checklist to see what is needed to be uploaded for the teacher. I also will not be here for period 2, giving me less time to work on my Colaborative Unit.
D AY 1 – 23/9/10 – W EEK 10 Have viewed tutorial 17 and started to write some notes on building a house. Such as calculating an average eco footprint. I have also now have some ideas of what a design of eco-friendly homes is like. I still need to find out what materials I need to build my sustainable eco friendly home.
D AY 2 – 14/9/10 – W EEK 10 Have finally logged in after waiting a long time for the laptop to load. Researched designs of where energy/water saving things should be in/on the house. Have started to sketch my eco-friendly house.
D AY 3 – 15/9/10 – W EEK 10 Have logged in and I’m going to begin a plan of the eco-friendly house. I’ve also searched the steps to build a house. I have started my house plan (bird’s eye view of house). Will not be here for second period because of Amazing Writers.
D AY 4 – 16/9/10 – W EEK 10 Am trying to complete house plan (bird’s eye view of house). [Very hard] Made some progress in house plan but it is very difficult as I am not as sure where I want everything placed yet.
D AY 5 – 17/9/10 – W EEK 10 Yay! Finally finished bird’s eye view plan of house! Have also finished the sketch of the back of the house! Making EXCELLENT progress today!