CES bFO Expectations PROficient for Consulting Engineers Pilot Markets Presented by: Presenter’s Name Confidential Property of Schneider Electric
bFO Expectations 1.Enter significant visits/lunch and learns as events 2.Enter events for each time you intro someone to PROficient 3.If you meet new people – add as contacts 4.Enter projects – Opportunities – ensure consultant is in the value chain
1. Entering visit
Search for contact and add event
Choose “Event” and Continue
Enter Title, Event Status and Save If a lunch and learn, type that in title If just a meeting, leave as “meeting”
2. Enter Event for PROficient
Search for contact and add event
Choose “Event” and Continue
Enter Title, Event Status and Save Subject line should include “PROficient” Give short description of what was talked about during meeting which may include DCE, Layout fast or Layoutfast, or Proficient
3. Create a Contact Requires Name and Phone OR
Adding more than 10 contacts at once Create an excel file with the list of names you need to add Send excel file to electric.com
Requires Name and Phone OR Go to the account and hit add contact
Input First and Last Name Include an Include Phone number ●Save contact when complete ●If they are a BIM user, note that in the contact comments/description section
4. Enter Opportunities – Ensure Consultant is in the Value Chain
Go to accounts field or search for account Hover over “Opportunities” link and create “New Opportunity”
Input information into “Opportunity Name” and “search” –This ensures the opportunity you are creating is not a double Click “Create Opportunity”
Opportunity type should be “Solutions Fast-Track” Phase/Sales Storage should be “2 – Identify Customer Strategic Initiatives” Opportunity Source should be “Consultant”
Name the opportunity In the Close Date area put date far out (ie Today's date 9/19/2014, Close date 9/19/2016) Input other information as needed and save
For Medium or Low Voltage “Select Energy” or “Partner Project”
Select Medium or Low voltage option and hit search Search results will show below. Select proper option
Scroll to bottom of page to review selected items Add in the amount and quantity Click Save and Done
Add the consultant to Opportunity through the Value Chain –Select “New Value Chain Player” under Value Chain Players field
Input the consulting firm in the Account field associated with the opportunity by selecting the magnifying glass Enter Account Role as “Specifier-Influencer”
How to ensure company is within the DCE CE Pilot Account –Go to account for company and scroll down to “description information” –Description should have “DCE CE Pilot Account”
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