Homo hobbit! “Flores man” & patterns of human evolution
What is EVOLUTION? Heritable change in a population, over time. PATTERNS OF EVOLUTION The various ways in which such change can develop. This change may ultimately end in Reproductive/ Genetic isolation, and speciation.
Anagenesis = change within a population; Cladogenesis = branching (divergence) to produce 2 new species. 2 patterns of speciation:
2 modes of speciation
Allopatric speciation: populations are isolated by geographical barriers. No gene flow; speciation occurs through gradual microevolution e.g. adaptive radiation on island groups (kea & kaka, Placostylus in NZ); e.g. H. floresiensis. Most likely in small, isolated populations: Founder effect limits size of gene pool; Genetic drift has greater effects in small populations; Different environment may generate different selection pressures.
The branched evolution of horses
Anagenesis (e.g. Pennisi 2006) Divergence
What drives such changes?
At the root of the tree: bipedalism
Sahelanthropus tchadensis – 6-7 mya
Virtual reconstruction of Sahelanthropus cranium (from Zollikofer et al. 2005)
Orrorin tugenensis - 6mya
“Lucy” – Australopithecus afarensis – c. 3.2 mya
The Laetoli footprints – c. 3.2 mya
What sort of natural selection pressure would drive the evolution of bipedalism?
Species A TIME Species B Evolutionary change How does this work ????? 1. Mutation (e.g. bipedalism) 2. Advantage (e.g. allows better cooling) 3. Better breeding success (e.g. bipeds have more offspring) 4. Increased % bipeds in population over time 5. Reproductive isolation (biped/quadruped hybrids infertile)
Adaptive Radiation: By divergent evolution Eg multiple Australopiths & Homo spp
Kenyanthropus platyops At least one other hominid species lived in Africa at the same time as A. afarensis:
Gracile australopithecines Australopithicus africanus 3 – 2.3 mya
Robust australopithecines Paranthropus robustus, boisei, aethiopicus (1.9 –1.5 mya, 2.3 – 1.4 mya, 2.8 – 2.3 mya)
Homo habilis (“handy man”)
Advances in cranial capacity What selection pressures would drive this? What selection pressures would act against it? apes
Pelvic inlet (the birth canal).
Homo erectus: found in Africa, Middle East, south & south-east Asia from 1.7mya to 200,000 years ago.
Homo neanderthalensis: Neanderthal man 200,000 – 30,000 years ago Very-well adapted to prevailing glacial climate
Anatomically modern humans – Homo sapiens From around 198,000 years ago (the Omo skulls)
Some of the earliest known modern Homo sapiens; Herto, Ethiopia, 170,000 – 160,000 years ago
From Stringer, 2000
Chronology of Pleistocene sites (from Stringer, 2000)
xy.waikato.ac.nz:2048/nature /journal/v431/n7012/fig_tab/n ature02999_F1.html Homo floresiensis
6/ Nov2005.htm
“Flores man” tools Archaeology and age of a new hominin from Flores in eastern Indonesia M. J. Morwood et al. (2004) Nature 431, fig_tab/nature02956_ft.html
From Brown et al. 2004
H.sapiens H.erectus Pan microcephalic Comparisons of virtual endocasts H. floresiensis in centre (from Falk et al. 2005)
Species A TIME Convergent Evolution Species X
Species A TIME Species B Convergent Evolution Species X Species Z Species C Species Y Unrelated species look similar if they live in similar environments/ niche
Simpson 1980:70 Example of convergence: Sabre-tooth tigers Marsupial Placental
Dwarf elephant & hippo of Malta next to a modern Indian elephant Lecture16/MedMap.html
Dwarfism in island populations May evolve in response to restricted resource availability. Can happen very rapidly in mammals e.g. Malta’s extinct dwarf elephants evolved from a 4-metre ancestor in less than 5,000 years. Extinct dwarf elephants (Stegodon) were found in the same deposits as the Flores hominins.
Mirazon & Foley (2004): Homo floresiensis provides evidence that: hominins subject to same evolutionary rules as other mammals exposed to local isolation & small population sizes. supports the view that our evolutionary tree is a bushy one. Is consistent with idea that rapid & extreme climatic shifts of last 1 million years dispersal, isolation, and localised evolutionary change.
Figure 1 Homo floresiensis in the context of the evolution and dispersal of the genus Homo. v431/n7012/fig_tab/ a_F1.html
Dr. Alison Campbell Department of Biological Sciences ACSNZ Biology Lecture 2006 King’s College