Sample Description A chemistry teacher from a community college in northeast Wyoming submitted tests from three sections of chemistry classes SectionTestRecallConceptualAlgorithmic Introduction to Chemistry Final42019 General Chemistry Mixed- Question Format Final7113 General Chemistry Multiple- Choice
Data Analysis SectionAlgorithmic Mean Conceptual Mean Significance (p) Introduction to Chemistry General Chemistry Mixed- Questions General Chemistry Multiple-choice
Conclusion It is inconclusive on whether or not the teacher uses more algorithmic questions than conceptual. Mixed-format tests do not have significance in the number of conceptual versus algorithmic questions. Multiple-choice only tests do have significantly more algorithmic questions than conceptual questions.
Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research Limitations Small sample size Multiple question formats Recall questions not analyzed Future Research More participants Compare multiple-format question tests to multiple-choice only tests Evaluate student performance on recall questions and see if there is a correlation to algorithmic or conceptual performance