Effectively Targeting Eastern NC Latinos Informing public health professionals about issues surrounding diabetes within the Latino population
Overview O This presentation will inform health professionals on: O Diabetes health beliefs O Latinos’ use of media O Interpersonal strategies O Doctor communication with Latino patients O Major takeaways
Introduction to the Issue O Researchers have hypothesized that anywhere from 5 million to 7.5 million people of Hispanic decent currently have diabetes O The Hispanic population is at a greater risk of being predisposed to some of those factors, such as, their genetic make-up and their environment. O The Hispanic population’s ancestors lived in agricultural societies and over time, developed “thrifty genes,” which promoted obesity in order to ensure the storage of enough calories and energy when food was scarce
Health Beliefs about Diabetes O According to Daniulaityte, some Latinos, particularly older ones, believe that diabetes can be traced to a sudden scare, anger, or a tragic emotional event O Also, personal responsibility is not believed to be the main cause of diabetes O Latinos are also skeptical about heredity and diabetes
Health Beliefs about Diabetes O Participants believed that consuming sweets, overeating, drinking and a lack of exercise could contribute to diabetes O Also environmental factors and modern living were possible factors that contribute to the disease O However, the reasons were not as salient as the emotional events or scares
Health Beliefs about Diabetes O Lynch found that many Latinos had doubts about diabetes medication and often chose not to adhere to their doctors advice O Some Latinos use alternative medications such as aloe vera and cactus for disease management and treatment O Many believe that their diabetes was being well managed by simply going to see a health professional
Health Beliefs about Diabetes O Many Latinos do not know the symptoms or the causes of diabetes O Male and younger Latinos tend to know less about the disease O All participants in Arcury, Dougherty, Gesler and Skelly’s study believed that diabetes was seriously and deadly
Using Ethnic Media to Inform O The media, in general, is not always the most effective way to reach Latinos O If you choose to use the media, make sure to disseminate the information through ethnic newspapers and television channels. O There are now at least 75 Spanish television networks and over 40 Spanish newspapers published daily O Examples from the area: O La ConexiónNewspaper
Using the Internet to Inform O The internet is not the most popular or preferred source for distributing health information to the Latino population, but it is the second most trusted source after health care providers O Individuals who are more likely to use the internet are: O Bilingual Latinos O Children O Adolescents O Individuals who are unlikely to use the internet are : O Older Latinos O Non-English speaking individuals O First generation Latinos In the future, internet use will become prevalent among Latinos as they assimilate.
Lack of Media O We have discovered that there is almost no media outlets that are targeted towards the Latino population in Eastern NC. O This puts more pressure on us to communicate with the Latino population through interpersonal channels
Interpersonal Sources of Information O Interpersonal sources of health information have been consistently found to be the most successful in educating the Latino population about health O Immediate family will enforce and reinforce health beliefs and attitudes O Trust, family and values are extremely important to the Latino population O Decisions about health are typically a family affair
Suggestions for Disseminating Health Information O Go into the community to educate, instead of asking them to come to you O Door-to-door if necessary O It is important to establish a connection with the woman of the household, as she highly influences family health and dietary decisions O Provide alternative recipes that still align with traditional cooking
Doctor-Patient Communication O Some barriers to effective communication between healthcare providers and Latino patients include: O Physicians focus on long-term goals and general dietary instruction, despite Latino patients’ needs for short-term goals and progressive lifestyle changes O Cultural competence and language barriers O There is a lack of trust between Latino patients and their healthcare providers
Major Takeaways O Culturally related health beliefs are often a barrier to Latinos adequately self-managing diabetes O Focusing on information about genuine causes of diabetes and proper treatments is key when disseminating information O It is important to use the most effective channels in order to reach Latinos with this information O Making interpersonal connections is best O Only use the media when targeting younger, English-speaking, individuals