HCS Workforce Planning Presented by: Nadine Boczkowski (Workforce Intelligence Manager) – Nadine.Boczkowski@yorksandhumber.nhs.uk Jonathan Brown (Strategic Workforce Planning Manager) – Jonathan.Brown@yorksandhumber.nhs.uk
Overview → MSC and Workforce Planning → Workforce Planning Models → Y&H Planning Cycle 11/12 → Ongoing Programmes of work → Key Questions
MSC and Workforce Planning MSC – Bringing about improvement through change Revised Career Framework Revised classification scheme for ESR coding of roles Set education and training standards Safer patient care Diagnosis closer to home Faster entry to the correct care pathway Workforce Planning – Managing the change New ways of working/roles Skill mix – asst’s, practitioners, scientists Competency and knowledge requirements Security of supply Harnessing the use of technology
Workforce Planning Models – Skills for Health: 6 Step Model Step 1. Defining the Plan Step 2. Mapping Service Change Step 3. Defining the Required Workforce Step 4. Understanding Workforce Availability Step 5. Developing an action plan Step 6. Implement, Monitor & Refresh 1. Defining the Plan - Scope: service area/locality/pathway - Responsibilities/ stakeholders/engagement 2. Mapping Service Change - Objectives/goals/benefits of change - Current costs/performance measures - Drivers/constraints/risks of change - Option appraisal and preferred service model 3. Defining the Required Workforce - Key tasks/activities of the new model - What skills/competencies are needed for delivery? - What numbers/types of staff are needed? 4. Understanding Workforce Availability - Who is the current workforce? - Factors impacting even without service change - Options available for changing supply 5. Developing an action plan - Analyse the gap - Action plan for priority areas - Manage the change process 6. Implement, Monitor & Refresh - Regular review - How is success measured? - Monitor progress and capture learning www.healthcareworkforce .nhs.uk
Workforce Planning Models – ODS: Population Centric Model www.odsuk.com
Y&H Planning Cycle 2011/12
Workforce Integrated Planning Tool Excel based tool Map the current HCS workforce Effective Modelling Tool: - Demand: productivity and skill mix - Indicative costs - Training capacity/attrition - Supply: retirements, entrants Test different options/scenarios for the future HCS workforce Effective reporting functionality http://www.networks.nhs.uk
Programmes of work ongoing Healthcare Science Workforce Information Project – NHS Employers Workforce Risks and Opportunities – CfWI Healthcare Science Programme Board - Medical Education England (MEE) Scientist Training Programme – NHS Employers A Career Framework for Healthcare Scientists in the NHS – DH MSC Early Adopters – Learning and Best Practice
Key Questions… Are functions carried out at the appropriate level – how can these be mapped to the new service model? How can you ensure a flexible workforce adaptable to change, innovation and technological advances? Do education commissions match service need and support skill mix change? Is there a clear succession planning process in place? Are workforce monitoring/reporting systems and processes in place?