1 Open Microsoft office word
Create a new blank document.
Save this document as living spaces onto the desktop Living spaces
Save this document as a webpages. Note: Don not change the default file name or location
Open document Minutes.docx that is in the current folder entitled Document
Change view mode for this document to Print Layout View.
Remove Home tab from Microsoft word application window
Close the open document without close application
Change the default user name for this application to Lee Warstein Lee Warstein
Add the highlighted word to custom dictionary Right click
Make spacing above this paragraph 12 pints Click here
Add line break (soft carriage break) at the insertion point Press Shift + Enter from the keyboard
16 Which one of these Statement about Mail Merge Is True? 1.Its Allow to merge Many Different s in one 2.Its allow to merge a single personalize standard letter to many different people 3.Its allow to merge many version in single documents 4.It allow to merge many copies in one copy
17 Which one of these Statement about Mail Merge Is True? 1.Its Allow to merge Many Different s in one 2.Its allow to merge a single personalize standard letter to many different people 3.Its allow to merge many version in single documents 4.It allow to merge many copies in one copy
18 The content of e mail and recipient contact details A list of contact details The content of an with place holder for contact Main document Data a document Letter document