Churchill Road PTA Bylaws & Organization 2015-2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Churchill Road PTA Bylaws & Organization

PTA Structure Overview  National Congress of Parents and Teachers (National PTA)  Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers (Virginia PTA)  Northern Virginia District PTA  Fairfax County Council of PTAs  Local PTA Units  Robert’s Rules of Order

Local PTA Organization  Executive Committee – Consists of the elected PTA officers as defined in the Bylaws and the Principal  Executive Board – Consists of the elected PTA officers and the chairs of PTA standing committees

PTA Purposes  To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship  To raise the standard of home life  To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth  To bring into closer relation the home and the school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth  To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education

Bylaws Process  Purpose – Bylaws govern an organization’s operations and provide the basic rules under which an association can take action  Local PTA Bylaws are required to be revised and approved every 5 years according to the procedures of the Virginia PTA  Local PTAs must adhere to the purposes and basic policies of the National PTA and the Virginia PTA, as well as comply with rules applicable to 501(c)(3) organizations  Sections identified by the pound symbol (#) are mandated by the Virginia PTA and may not be altered  Amendments to the Virginia PTA Bylaws identified by the pound symbol (#) will automatically amend local PTA Bylaws  Posted at least 30 days prior to vote

Highlights - General  Only members who have paid dues for the current year may participate in PTA business (e.g., vote or serve on a committee)  PTA dues include portions payable to the FCCPTA ($0.25), Virginia PTA ($1.50) and National PTA ($2.25)  Proxy voting is not permitted  Quorum – at least 10 members must be present at a meeting in order to transact PTA business (NOTE: the quorum has been reduced from 30 members to the lowest quorum permitted by the Virginia PTA.)  Approval of certain motions (e.g., votes on bylaws) requires 2/3 approval by a rising vote or show of hands of members  Standing Rules may be adopted to give more guidance to particular situations  A local PTA must have at least 3 elected officers—a president, a secretary and a treasurer

Executive Committee Structure Existing  President  Vice President  Treasurer  Recording Secretary  Membership Secretary/Fundraising Committee Chair  Appropriations Chair Proposed  President  President-Elect  Treasurer  Recording Secretary  Vice President - Membership  Vice President – Community (change from draft Bylaws)  Up to 4 additional VPs can be designated by Standing Rules

President Vice PresidentTreasurer Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Appropriations Chair Committee Chairs

President Treasurer Recording Secretary VP- Membership Committee Chairs VP- Community Committee Chairs Other VPs Committee Chairs President- Elect

Current Committee Structure  Advocacy  After-School Activities  Artist Workshop  Battery Recycling  Book Fair  Box Tops  Churchill Cares  Community Service  Depositor  Family Activities (4)  Fix It Up  Fundraising (see Membership)  Go Home Notes  Geographic Bee  Grant Writing  Grocery Scrip  Hospitality  Integrated Arts  Library Volunteers  Long-Range Planning  Mclean Citizen’s Association  New Family Outreach  Parent Education  Parliamentarian  Reflections  Safe Community Coalition  School Supplies  Sixth Grade Party  Spelling Bee  Staff Appreciation  Student Directory  Technology  Website  Wellness  Yearbook

Structural Review Focus Group  Purpose – To review existing PTA structure and make suggestions for improvements in organization and efficiency  Current flat organizational structure may be hindering growth and volunteerism  Need for improvements in communications and transition of responsibilities  Promote involvement, creativity and commitment

Nominating Committee & Elections  Proposed Members  Lisa Givens  Ann Marie Marenburg  Kristi West  Lauren Maimone  Jennifer Stowe (staff representative)  The Nominating Committee will present a slate of officers and committee chairs at the April PTA meeting  Elections will be held at the May PTA meeting, with installation of officers at the June PTA meeting