1 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Leadership Analysis
2 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Objectives Analyze a leader’s capabilities, style and strengths and development areas Prepare an information brief on a leadership topic
3 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Profile: Abraham Lincoln Born: February 12, 1809, Kentucky Nickname: ‘Honest Abe’, ‘Illinois Rail-Splitter’ Married: Mary Todd, 1842 Children: Robert Todd (1843 – 1926), Edward Baker (1846 – 1850), William Wallace (1850 – 1862), Thomas ‘Tad’ (1853 – 1871) 16 th President of the United States Died: April 15, 1865 – killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater
4 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 The Elements of Leadership Leader Traits Influence Processes Follower Attitudes and Behaviors Performance Outcomes Situational Factors Leader Behaviors Yukl, 2002
5 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Applying the Elements of Leadership Leader Traits Influence Processes Follower Attitudes and Behaviors Performance Outcomes Situational Factors Leader Behaviors Trait Theory: Assumption: We are born with traits that make us leaders. Explored: Traits that make someone great. Findings: Identified traits, however studies were not successfully replicated. Raised more questions… Lincoln’s Traits: Honesty Integrity Empathy for the common man Devotion to individual rights Resilient
6 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Leader Traits Influence Processes Follower Attitudes and Behaviors Performance Outcomes Situational Factors Leader Behaviors Applying the Elements of Leadership (2) Behavior Theory: Assumption: Can learn to become a great leader by your actions and behaviors. Explored: What great leaders did. Findings: Identified two key behavioral categories: task orientation and people orientation. Lincoln’s Behaviors: High concern for people Empowered & supported his leaders Was often dissatisfied with their inaction – he wanted them to act.
7 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Leader Traits Influence Processes Follower Attitudes and Behaviors Performance Outcomes Situational Factors Leader Behaviors Transformational Theory: Assumption: People will follow a leader that inspires them. Task importance motivates people. Collaboration is better than working individually. Work toward a ‘greater good’. Lincoln’s Influence Process: Often used analogies or stories to make his point clear. Made suggestions and preferred to have his subordinates make final decisions. Through speeches, writings, and actions, Lincoln espoused his vision. Applying the Elements of Leadership (3)
8 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Leader Traits Influence Processes Follower Attitudes and Behaviors Performance Outcomes Situational Factors Leader Behaviors Applying the Elements of Leadership (4) Situational Leadership Theory: Assumption: The best action of a leader depends on a range of situational factors. Explored: Follower capability and willingness Findings: Good leaders must adapt their style to situations to maintain effectiveness. Situational Factors: War – defend democracy, protect (every) individual’s rights. Used a ‘transformational approach’ to motivate others attitudes. Exerted more executive authority than any other president
9 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Army Leadership Requirements Model
10 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Leadership Analysis Homework: Prepare an information brief (approx 10 minutes) analyzing the leadership elements of a famous military leader. Supplement this brief with a slide presentation and a more detailed essay.
11 MSL 202, Lesson 10a: Leadership Analysis Revision Date: 15 November 2012 Closing Summary Review-Lesson Objectives Questions Next Lesson: 10b, Leadership Capstone Presentations Complete a short essay on the leadership style of a selected military leader and be prepared to provide a presentation of the leader in Lesson 10b