7th Grade Course Requirements: -Language Arts -PE (1 semester) (RELA) or Athletics -Math -Health (1 semester) -Texas History -Science
STUDENT REGISTRATION CARD WILL GO HOME WITH STUDENTS ON FEBRUARY 3 RD 7 th Graders have 4 semester electives Number the choices 1-7 Need to return to your child’s Math Teacher by Wednesday, February 10 th
COURSE PLACEMENT You and your child will discuss and select course placement for 7 th Grade. Circle your course placement selections for each academic area.
PRE-AP MATH If your child is not currently in 6 th Grade Pre-AP Math, they can not select Pre-AP 7 th Grade Math next year without first taking a placement exam. Placement exams are offered by the District during the Summer (usually scheduled in May). If you wish for your child to take this placement test, please contact me at
The Humble ISD Middle School Course Guide provides you with information that will help guide you in the course selection process. 7 th Grade Requirements and Course Descriptions Recommendations for Successful Course Selection
Math and Reading Strategies Depending on your child’s Math and Reading STAAR scores, your child may be enrolled in an additional Math and/or Reading Strategies course next year. These courses are designed to provide remediation and preparation for STAAR in 7 th and 8 th Grade. Placement in these courses will take the place of one or more electives.
7TH GRADE ELECTIVE DESCRIPTIONS Make sure you pick up the 7 th Grade Elective Descriptions page. Two new courses: Introduction to Programing Introduction to S.T.E.M. PLEASE NOTE: These courses were added AFTER the course cards were printed. You will have to handwrite on the course card if you would like this course to be in your child’s top 7 elective choices. Keyboarding has been discontinued. Touch System Data Entry is taking its place (.5 high school credit). Correction – 7 th graders CAN take Touch System Data Entry next year. Correction to the course card – Keyboarding/Touch System Data Entry is not a required prerequisite for BIM but is recommended. The course card will still say Keyboarding.
ALL YEAR ELECTIVES When your child chooses an all year elective, they are making an all year commitment. We are unable to make schedule changes after school starts and at the semester due to elective availability and class sizes. All schedule changes have to be approved through the principal’s office.
2 SEMESTER (ALL YEAR) ELECTIVES Band Orchestra Choir AVID* *Students must complete an application / interview process! Girls Athletics
AVID: ADVANCEMENT VIA INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION What AVID is…. AVID targets potential college students. AVID classes prepare students for college by teaching them study and organizational skills. AVID students are enrolled in advanced level courses and are given academic support through tutors. AVID is a program designed to prepare students who have a willingness to learn and work hard toward four- year college eligibility. AVID is a long term commitment and a requires a signed contract. *** Application and Interview Required***
WHEN SELECTING A COURSE, MAKE SURE THE PREREQUISITE HAS BEEN MET CoursePrerequisite Concert Band Beginning Band Intermediate Orchestra Beginning Orch. Intermediate ArtBeginning Art Applied Art IBeginning Art Applied Art IIApplied Art I Arts and CraftsBeginning Art
LOOKING AHEAD…….. Look at the courses in 8 th grade and see if there is a prerequisite that your child will have to take in 7 th grade!
CLASSES IN 8 TH GRADE THAT REQUIRE A PREREQUISITE Advanced ArtIntermediate Art Intermediate Art/Arts and Crafts/Applied Art Beginning Art Theater Arts IITheater Arts I Journalism II/Newspaper/Yearbook/Broadcast Journalism I Principles of Manufacturing (.5 H.S. Credit) Intro to Engineering and Technology Spanish I (1 H.S. Credit) Intro to Spanish **Aide positions in 8 th grade require good conduct!** Course Prerequisite
SPANISH IMMERSION Spanish Immersion Students who are currently in Spanish I will take Spanish II at CMS. Spanish Immersion Students who are in a YEAR long elective such as Band, Orchestra or Choir and also want to take Athletics all year may postpone health until 8 th Grade.
ATHLETICS Girls Athletics Volleyball - 1 st Semester Basketball – end of 1 st and beginning of 2 nd semester Track - 2 nd Semester Cross Country – all year Boys Athletics Football - 1 st Semester Basketball - end of 1 st and beginning of 2 nd semester Track - 2 nd Semester Cross Country – all year
MORE ON ATHLETICS... Athletics for 7 th graders is 1st period. Practices will be before school and during 1 st period if they are on a team. Some changes for 2016/2017 school year: Girls Athletics is a FULL YEAR COMMITMENT There are tryouts for Volleyball and Basketball Students who do not make a team will be in off season which involves a lot of conditioning and running. Boys Athletics: If interested in Football it is a FULL YEAR COMMITMENT There are no tryouts for Football but students are divided into teams If interested in Track – student may take 2 nd semester only If interested in Basketball – Tryouts are in November. Those who make the team will be enrolled in Athletics at that point.
MORE ON ATHLETICS... If your child signs up for Athletics, a physical form is due before Colt Round Up. Those without a physical will be moved into a P.E. class. Do not get a physical until the HISD forms are handed out in April (one a year). There will be a physical night sometime in April (coaches will give out more information as the time approaches).
OFF CAMPUS P.E. OFF CAMPUS P.E. applications are due before June 8 th, 2015 to allow scheduling options for an additional elective. Applications received after the first 2 weeks in a semester will only be considered for the following semester. To qualify your child must participate in 5 or more hours of training under a coach’s supervision at an approved commercial establishment during a regular Monday through Friday workout schedule. Students may not be dismissed from any part of the regular school day (TEC ). Applications are reviewed and approved by the Athletic Director, Troy Kite. Forms are available from the District Athletics website.
SCHEDULE CHANGES…….. Due to the high number of students in Middle School we are unable to take teacher requests. Schedule changes will not be made solely to change the period the class is held or to change teachers. A class may be added or dissolved after school starts due to class size requirements. You should expect second semester schedules to change due to elective changes!
WHY DO SCHEDULES CHANGE AT SEMESTER? A schedule may change in order to give a student an elective choice they wanted. The change may be necessary to balance class sizes.
WHAT MIGHT MY SCHEDULE LOOK LIKE? ATHLETICS ALL YEAR Period1st Semester2nd Semester 1AthleticsAthletics(1) 2Intro to Spanish(2) Science 3RELARELA 4MathMath 5Science Health 6Orchestra(3)Orchestra(4) 7Texas HistoryTexas History
WHAT MIGHT MY SCHEDULE LOOK LIKE ? Period1st Semester2nd Semester 1MathMath 2Beginning Art (1) Science 3RELARELA 4P.E.Texas History 5ScienceIntro Spanish (2) 6Band (3)Band (4) 7Texas HistoryHealth P.E. no Athletics
VERIFICATION SHEETS Verification Sheets will be sent home in February and again with the end of year report card. The verification sheet is NOT A SCHEDULE. The verification sheet is just VERIFYING what courses your child is requesting. If the elective on the Verification Sheet is not available, I will go to the next choice selected on the yellow course card. A student may not get an elective due to a conflict with another class or the class may be full. 8 th graders fill mixed electives first. If you log into home access during the summer and see a schedule, this is inaccurate. Schedules are not finalized until school starts in August.
BRIDGES Online program – allowing access from home Career exploration High School Course Planning College planning & applications 6 th Grade Students logged into Bridges during the 1 st semester. Portfolio Name: (humble123456) humble + Student ID –No Spaces Password: Student ID * Works best with Internet Explorer
January 26 th Parent Orientation February 3 rd Student Orientation February 3 rd Elective cards sent home February 10 th Elective cards due to Math Teacher February 17 th Meet with Counselors in Library – Receive Verification Sheets –Return to Counselors if there are any changes June 8 th Deadline to make changes Important Dates
NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS GOING INTO 7 TH GRADE The State of Texas has adopted new immunization requirements for all 6th graders going into 7th grade. They are: Meningococcal Vaccine (MCV4 not MPSV4) Varicella Vaccine - 2 doses (unless had disease) Tdap Vaccine (within the last 5 years) It will be mandatory for the student to receive them before they start school. Therefore, please turn proof of immunizations to nurse as soon as possible. Registration Packets will not be given if immunizations are not current Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Debra L. Pack, R. N. B. S. N.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about 7 th grade Cathy Gantt 7 th Grade Counselor Questions?