MDMA Kabir Nigam UCLA Class of 2013
What is it? 0 One of the most commonly abused psychoactive drugs 0 Psychoactive = alters perception, mood, behavior, etc. 0 Schedule 1 0 Known for its euphoric, pleasurable and sensitizing effects 0 Ecstasy = MDMA + stimulant 0 Effects typically last for 3-5 hours
The Neuron Cell Body Dendrites Axon
The Synapse
Serotonin One of the most important neurotransmitters in our brain for the regulation of mood
Recycling Transporter Serotonin
Recycling MDMA Serotonin Transporter
Recycling MDMA Serotonin Transporter
The Effects?
Yay! 0 Euphoria 0 A sense of general well- being 0 Decreased negative emotions 0 Increased sociability 0 Increased empathy 0 Reduced insecurity 0 Decreased aggression and anger 0 Mild psychedelic enhancement of colors and sounds
0 Decrease in brains ability to produce serotonin 0 Decrease in learning, memory and attention 0 Increased psychological sensitivity 0 Depression 0 Anxiety 0 Anger 0 Opposite of what you felt the night before Nay!
Risk Reduction 0 Vitamin C is important for the production of serotonin 0 Exercise after usage 0 Do not abuse continuously 0 Be careful of what you are getting 0 Regulate intake 0 Drink water!