Korea and the World (3) Introduction to UN 김 병 구
This Week in Brief ‘ 무소유 ’ 법정 큰스님 입적, ‘ 맑은 4 복 ’ 전 세계 기상 이변 속출 – 폭설, 혹한, 홍수, 지진 등 亞太 항공시장 세계 최대 ( 미주시장보다 ) – 미 AA 사 일본 JAL 과 제휴 중국 / 인도 Copenhagen 협정 공식서명 –CO2 방출량 규제 의무화 Google 자동 번역기 시장 최고 점유 2/25/20162
Why UN was created? The First World War ( ) –End of Hapsburg, Ottoman, Romanov empires –Bolshevik Revolution, birth of communism –League of Nations, Geneva –Reasons for failure The Second World War ( ) –The war to end all wars –UN created (1946): The Allied Forces under US lead –192 Member States –Permanent seat in Security Council with veto power P5: US, USSR, UK, FRA, CPR
UN Missions Regional disputes –Peace Keeping Force dispatch –Korean War ( ): the first UN PKF Economic developments –Support Least Developed Country, poverty –Millennium Development Goals –World Bank, IMF long term financing International regulations, standards –Global issues: aerospace, maritime, nuclear, health –Safety/operations/quality standards
UN Organizations UN headquarters –New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi Reporting to UNSG –GA, SC, ECOSOG, Int’l Justice, etc. Special organizations –WHO, IAEA, UNESCO, IMF, etc. Statute, Member States UNSC Board Members (15) –Election of SG, highest decision body –P5 + rotating 10 MS
UN Secretaries-General Trigve Lie NOR Dag Hammarskjold SWE U Thant BUR Kurt Waldheim AUS Javier Perez PER Boutros Boutros-Ghali EGY Kofi Annan GHA Ban Ki-moon ROK
Dag Hammarskjold
UN Secretaries-General Dag Hammarskjold under Soviet pressure (1960)Dag Hammarskjold under Soviet pressure (1960) Ban Ki-moon at Chile earthquake (2010)Ban Ki-moon at Chile earthquake
UN Budget & Finances Base rate –Proportional to GDP US 25%, JPN 19%, GER 11%,…ROK 2.1% –Adjusted every 3 years Regular budget –Staff salary, overhead, baseload missions –Discretion of the Secretariat Extra-budgetary contribution –Donor specifies missions, recipient Voluntary contribution
UN Reform Proposals Simplified organizations –Needs to meet the changing demands Delivering-as-One –Integrated UN offices in the region Pilot country demonstration projects –Asia: BGL, LA: URG, AF: TAN, EU: ALB Reforming the Security Council –Expanding permanent P5 –JPN, GER, BRA, INA
Functional categories –P1 - P5 : professional, > BS/BA degrees –GS1 - GS6 : admin supports –Temporary : Intern, JPO Official languages(6) –English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic –Formal meetings/publications : all 6 lang. simul. Trans. –Working level meetings, reports : English only Qualifications –Language + professional knowledge + experience –Global open mind : curiosity, positive thinking, fairness Korean staffs in UN UN Staffs
Global Mind C.P.F. Curiosity –Diverse culture, history, customs –Multiple languages (English +) Positive thinking –Ask ‘why not?’ Fairness –Trans-national, racial, religions –Common interest over personal bias
Globalization and Global Mind Importance of communication –Conversations, listening, confidence building –Speaking, reading, writing Global mind at KYU –Global Communication Center (E, C, J) –Essential to international competitiveness –My level of global mind ???
Homework What is the best Korean international competitiveness? What is the KYU international competitiveness?