Behavioral Interventions Western Michigan University Spring 2008 Distance Course in: Amman, Jordan Jordan University Of Science & Technology Pictures available at:
Love story Maram serhan Fall 2008
The purpose The purpose of this presentation is to show how (behavior analysis) would be applied simply to our daily life in a funny way. Mainly to show how to analyze every thing around using the contingencies we have studied.
Characters of my story Miss rein forcer 1 Miss rein forcer 2 Mr. response 1 Mr. response 2 Setting: In the collage
Here is the story one time Mr. response 1 was setting in the collage with his friends. He saw that pretty Miss. Rein forcer 1 walking toward her class. He waved to her and said: “ good morning ”, she replayed: “ good morning ” with a smile. That occurs only in the collage where he can see her.
Simple reinforcement. Miss rein forcer1 No Miss reinforcer1 Mr. response1 No “ good morning ” Say “ good morning ” “ good morning ” SD In the collage
Pairing Procedure. there was also a pairing involved, because when she said “ good morning ”, it was followed with a smile. in case the sound “ good morning ” wasn ’ t enough to reinforce the behavior, it was paired with a smile to maintain the behavior.
The Pairing Procedure. Neutral stimulus conditioned stimulus Sound of “ good morning ” smile No “ good morning ” Say “ good morning ”“ good morning ”
Behavioral chain answering “ good morning by Miss rein forcer 1. is now considered as an SD for calling her “ the next response ”. And in the following chain will be shown how that would be applied using the contingencies.
Behavioral Chain SD In the collage No “good morning” Say: good morning ” “ good morning No Phone number Ask For the Phone number Got The Phone number Doesn ’ t Hear Her voice Call her He hers Her voice
escape The third character in my story is miss rein forcer 2, “ the disruptive lady ” “ aversive condition ”. this miss rein forcer 2, who tries frequently to disrupt the relationship of Mr. response 1 and Miss rein forcer 1. by saying to Mr. response 1 each time she see him “ good morning ”
Escape and avoidance contingencies. Miss rein forcer 2 Mr. response 1 No Miss rein forcer 2 She says ” good morning ” He ignore her No “ good morning ” She will be setting And Talking to him After 10 seconds She wont be setting And talking to him. After 10 seconds escape avoidance
The end The end of the story was very sad for the response, because miss rein forcer 1 has discovered that she has been talking with the inappropriate response. What she did? She broke up with him and started to talk with Mr. response 2 … ……..
In our words Miss rein forcer 1 has discovered that she has been reinforcing the inappropriate behavior. So what she did was that she extinguished him and differentially reinforced other behavior.
Extinction No Miss rein forcer 1 Mr. response 1 No Miss rein forcer 1 He doesn ’ t Hear her voice He pick up the Phone and Call her. He doesn ’ t hear her voice
DRO NO Miss rein forcer 1 Mr. response 2 Miss rein forcer 1 He doesn ’ t Hear her voice He call her He hear her voice