Harvard Extension School EXPO E34: Business Rhetoric Section 1 (5:30PM-7:30PM) Instructor: Julie Anne McNary 1. Please check your Elluminate Audio Wizard; 2. We will begin at 5:30PM.
Harvard University Extension School Spring Semester 2011 Expo E34: Business Rhetoric
Section 1; Monday evenings, 5:30PM – 7:30PM Online WebConference Via Elluminate Software Website: Elluminate Room:
Your Instructor: Julie Anne McNary B.A., Wellesley College, 1994 English Literature M.Ed., Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1995 Language and Literacy MA/M.F.A, University of Utah, 1998 British & American Literature and Creative Writing Cell Phone: (617) – no calls after 10PM – Voic during business hours
Class Schedule Second Pop Quiz – – In-Class Workshop of Second CEO Drafts. – –We will be pairing classmates for this exercise. Sign up for conferences with your instructor By midnight tonight, please upload your Second Draft of the CEO-Report. Please upload a final CONFERENCE DRAFT to the dropbox 24 hours prior to your conference.
Second Pop-Quiz – 15 Minutes First, on the honor system, I want you to go to the following web-based quiz: – – – –Please take this quiz and come back to class willing to share the results thereof. – –Cautionary note: this site is slow, so don’t worry if it sticks a bit when you all flock to it at the same time.
In-Class Workshops, CEO Drafts-30 min I will pair you with another classmate for this exercise. Please each other your drafts. Please read the draft and respond to the following rankings and questions (however, please don’t comment on things you don’t fully understand yourself): – –First please indicate your name and your peer’s at T.O.P. – –How clear is your peer’s thesis statement? 1-5 (1=clear, 5=not); provide your explanation for this response. – –Please rank each body paragraph 1-5 (and provide explanation) – –Please rank and comment on the conclusion. your feedback back to your peer, plus upload. Come back to class prepared to comment on your partner’s work.
CEO-REPORT CONFERENCE Please make sure you have given me at least 24 hrs to read your MOST updated, proof-read, etc. draft before conferencing. If you do not upload your draft 24 hrs prior to our conference, you will forfeit that time, and given my schedule, chances are I will not be able to meet with you before your paper is due. Please note that I run many conferences in a row, so I may be running a tad late. Please do not enter the Elluminate room early. In addition, I may need you to log out and return, if I am running over time. If you miss a conference w/o notification, it counts as an absence.
Conferences A word about
CONFERENCE TIMES Wed, 2/15 – –7:00AM – –7:45AM – –8:30AM – –9:15AM – –10:00AM – –7:00PM – –7:45PM – –8:30PM – –9:15PM Thurs, 2/16 –7:00AM –7:45AM –8:30AM –9:15AM –10:00AM –7:00PM –7:45PM –8:30PM –9:15PM