CULTURAL COMMENTARY Today we begin a new module revolving around food, responsibility, and social injustice—fun stuff. We will being by taking a look at a few articles online and doing a little preliminary research. 2
INITIAL RESEARCH Pair up. Each group must have at least one working cell phone with wi-fi/web connection. You will go to each of the links and do the following: Title of article – self-explanatory Main idea of article (summarize first and last paragraphs) Who is it, What did they write, and What were the texts about. Write two details found in the article and cite them Example: According to Eric Schosser, "blah blah blah." 3
ARTICLES Upton Sinclair #synopsis The Jungle Eric Schlosser Fast Food Nation: Nation03.html 4
COMPARE AND CONTRAST ARTICLES Creating Venn Diagrams One comparing the authors Upton Sinclair vs. Eric Schlosser Use the 1 st and 3 rd articles (biographies) One comparing the articles “The Jungle” vs. “Fast Food Nation” Use the 2 nd and 4 th articles (article synopsis) 1 set of Venn Diagrams per pairing. 2 pieces of information for similarities (middle) 3 pieces of information for each difference (sides) 5