ESS Slide 1 Quality assessment of MEHM in SILC Eurostat Unit F5 “Health and Food Safety Statistics” 4 th meeting of the Task Force on Health Expectancies Luxembourg, 4 June 2007
ESS Slide 2 The Minimum European Health Module (MEHM) MEHM used in: EU-SILC –> list of variables European Health Status Module (EHSM) of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) –> questions with conceptual cards
ESS Slide 3 MEHM in EU-SILC Health, including health status and chronic illness or condition General health Very good/Good/Fair/Bad/Very bad Suffer from any chronic (long-standing) illness or condition Yes/No Limitation in activities people usually do because of health problems for at least the last 6 months Yes, strongly limited/Yes, limited/No, not limited
ESS Slide 4 EU-SILC Implementation year: 2003: BE, DK, EL, IE, LU, AT + NO 2004: EE, ES, FR, IT, PT, FI, SE + IS 2005: CZ, DE, CY, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, SI, SK, UK 2006: BG, RO
ESS Slide 5 EU-SILC: sample sizes in 2005
ESS Slide 6 MEHM in EHIS Questions originally developed in English Translation protocol for other languages Eurostat grants and Transition Facility/Phare projects for preparing national linguistic versions following the translation protocol and testing Final English version of the EHIS adopted by the Working Group on Public Health Statistics in November 2006
ESS Slide 7 Harmonisation of health questions January-February 2007 National questionnaires with PH010 to PH070 questions collected from all MS; each MS provided the questionnaires from the 1 st year of implementation to 2007 End February 2007 National questionnaires sent to all EHIS delegates from MS, for checking these questions; deadline end March 2007 April-June 2007 Adapt SILC detailed guidelines on the MEHM questions using the EHIS conceptual cards and guidelines Analyse and make a synthesis of the checking done by the EHIS delegates in all MS
ESS Slide 8 19 June 2007 Inform the SILC Working Group and solve any remaining problems in national questionnaires and organise coordination with the EHIS national delegates in order to ensure a continuous coordination All national SILC questionnaires harmonised for the 2008 round Harmonisation of health questions
ESS Slide 9 Calculations done for 2003, 2004 and 2005 with the SILC data (depending on the year of implementation) Consultations with EHEMU Dissemination: summer 2007 Dissemination of the HLY data