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Ratification of the Constitution How many states needed to ratify Constitution?
Ratification Only 9 out of 13 to make Law of Land
At the State Level Ratification debates occurred on a state by state basis Some states would not vote until promised Bill of Rights
The Birth of Political Parties Federalist v Anti Federalists & Debate over Ratification
Federalist v. Anti-Federalists Federalists supported the new Constitution Some federalists included: –James Madison –John Jay –Alexander Hamilton Federalist Papers Feared collapse of US under Articles
Federalist v. Anti-Federalists Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution Led By: –Elbridge Gerry –George Mason –Patrick Henry Feared despotism and losing liberties in the name of unity
Federalist v Antifederalist Thought FederalistAntifederalist
On The Convention Federalists Right for new document Anti – Federalists Convention went beyond its means
What will happen to states under new Constitution? Insisted that the likelihood was that the states would continue to infringe on the just powers of the general government rather than the reverse Insisted that the general government outlined in the proposed Constitution would swallow up the states, reducing them to administrative districts at best, and thus destroying the people's liberties and right to self- government
The Fate of Union without Proposed Constitution Insisted that only a government at least as strong as that outlined in the proposed Constitution would be sufficient to protect the general good and the liberties of the people Denied any plan to break up the Union and insisted that even if the Confederation was too weak to safeguard American interests, the answer was not the dangerous plan incarnated by the proposed Constitution
Who was represented in Constitution? Men of refined and enlarged views who could take account of the interests of the whole nation Maintained that the scheme of representation in Congress was far too inadequate to take account of the extent and diversity of the American people and their interests. Only represents the powerful and the wealthy
The President One president more accountable than group One man executive resembled a monarchy
Bill of Rights? No means to defend civil liberties Unnecessary! Constitution protected individual rights
Amendments to the Constitution Believed that the amending process was too difficult under the Articles of Confederation because it would be impossible for all states to agree on a single subject, so the majority must rule Amending process is too easy, needed the unanimous consent of all states
A National Capital No permanent federal capital. Enemies of the people will fortify themselves there A new nation required the stability and permanence of a capital, one built to humble foreign heads of state
Anti-Federalist or Federalist?
Felt that the Constitution would lead to an abuse of power. Felt that the Constitution would lead to an abuse of power. Anti-Federalist or Federalist?
Felt that the ratification process was unfair. Felt that the ratification process was unfair.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Were fearful of the power of the presidency. Were fearful of the power of the presidency.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that the system of checks and balances would limit the power of government. Felt that the system of checks and balances would limit the power of government.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Believed that the Constitution was not very democratic. Believed that the Constitution was not very democratic.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that the way officials were elected was unfair. Felt that the way officials were elected was unfair.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that it was unfair that the states were not able to make revision to the proposed Constitution. Felt that it was unfair that the states were not able to make revision to the proposed Constitution.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Believed that the Constitution would protect people's natural rights. Believed that the Constitution would protect people's natural rights.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Believed that the Constitution would help maintain order. Believed that the Constitution would help maintain order.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Believed that the Constitution would fix the problems under the Articles of Confederation. Believed that the Constitution would fix the problems under the Articles of Confederation.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that without a Bill of Rights that the Constitution would not protect people's natural rights. Felt that without a Bill of Rights that the Constitution would not protect people's natural rights.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that the Constitution would better protect us from enemies. Felt that the Constitution would better protect us from enemies.
Anti-Federalist or Federalist? Felt that the Constitution would be able to regulate trade between the states. Felt that the Constitution would be able to regulate trade between the states.
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