Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Hospital Data Request Injury Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch Environmental Epidemiology and Disease Registries Section Department of State Health Services (e): (p): (800)
Texas EMS & Trauma Registries The following report was generated with hospital patient records submitted to the Texas EMS/Trauma Registry as of 12/22/2014. The hospital inclusion criteria are as follows per Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 103: 1. Traumatic Brain Injuries An acquired injury to the brain, including brain injuries caused by anoxia due to submersion incidents. The following International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) diagnostic codes are to be used to identify cases of traumatic brain injury: , , and The ICD-9-CM diagnostic code to be used to identify traumatic brain injury caused by anoxia due to submersion incidents is or (Rule § 103.2). 2. Spinal Cord Injuries An acute, traumatic lesion of the neural elements in the spinal canal, resulting in any degree of sensory deficit, motor deficits, or bladder/bowel dysfunction. The ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes are to be used to identify cases of traumatic spinal cord injury: and (Rule § 103.2). 3. Other Traumatic Injuries An injury listed in the ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes between and 959.9, excluding , , and , and admitted to a hospital inpatient setting (for more than 48 hours), or died after receiving any evaluation or treatment or was dead on arrival, or transferred into or out of the hospital (Rule § 103.2). Note: The ICD-9-CM codes used above are diagnosis codes, not E-codes. 2
This summary report only includes data on hospital records that were reported to the registry through a passive surveillance system. Additionally, these data are based on hospitalizations, not patients, such that if a patient was hospitalized more than once or transferred between facilities, both hospital records will be included. In this report: Only hospitalizations with a cause of injury due to firearms were included Texas EMS & Trauma Registries 3
Firearm Injuries, Texas 2013 There were a total of 3546 hospitalizations with an injury due to firearms in 2013 – 3184 (90%) were male – 1058 (30%) were years old, and 698 (20%) were years old – 513 (15%) were fatal injuries – 2055 (58%) had an ISS of 1-9 – 2059 (58%) were assault, 737 (21%) were unintentional 4 Source: Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Data as of: 12/22/2014
Firearm Injuries, Texas Source: Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Data as of: 12/22/2014 Firearm Injuries by Age and Sex, Texas 2013 Age Sex MaleFemaleTotal <1 year 4< < < < <516 Total
Firearm Injuries, Texas 2013 Firearm Injuries by Injury Severity Score (ISS) and Outcome, Texas 2013 ISS Category Outcome Non-fatalFatalMissing/ UnknownTotal Missing/ Unknown Total Source: Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Data as of: 12/22/2014
Firearm Injuries, Texas 2013 Firearm Injuries by Intent and Outcome, Texas 2013 Intent Outcome Non-fatalFatalMissing/ UnknownTotal Unintentional Self-Inflicted* Assault* Other Undetermined Total Source: Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Data as of: 12/22/2014 *Intentional
Firearm Injuries, Texas 2013 The hospital charges for firearm injuries ranged from $1 – $4,455,496 per hospitalization The total amount of hospital charges for firearm injuries in 2013 was $194,839, Hospital Charges for Firearms Injuries, Texas 2013 Non-FatalFatalUnknownTotal Number Min Max4,455, ,632, , ,455, Average78, , , , Median33, , , , # missing Sum170,010, ,841, ,987, ,839, Source: Texas EMS & Trauma Registries Data as of: 12/22/2014