Agenda Look at the foundations of Human Sciences Start forming your own opinions How do you gain knowledge in the human sciences? Is it reliable?
Question from yesterday… What does it mean to be human?
What are human sciences? Human Sciences The study of human behavior in a systematic way Psychology Economics Anthropology Sociology
Humans vs. Animals?! Mirror Test Language Reason Free-will Creativity What are some other features that can distinguish human beings from other animals?
Observation Observation – very important in the sciences Observation – tricky in human sciences You can observe human actions, but you can’t observe a human’s mind
Observation Since you can’t observe someone’s mind, you can just ask them what they are thinking….right?!?!?! WRONG! People want to put themselves in a good light
Observation – Loaded Questions Loaded Question a question that contains a hidden assumption Loaded Questions happen when ppl are unable to frame questions in an unbiased way
Observation – Loaded Questions Do you think there should be an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting abortions, or shouldn’t there be such an amendment? For, 29%Against, 67% Do you believe that there should be an amendment to the Constitution protecting the life of the unborn child, or shouldn’t there be such on amendment? For, 50%Against, 34%
Observation – Question Problems Loaded People will not answer truthfully People may not follow through with their answer
Observation – The observer effect Observer Effect People change their behavior when they are being observed
Observation – observer effect How do we get around it? Habituation/go native Hidden Cameras
Observation – observer effect Predict human behavior? Oedipus Rex Psychology Economics Anthropology
Psychology “Bright” and “Less Bright” To what extent do you think your teacher’s expectations about your abilities affect how well you do at school? Would it be better if teachers had no expectations about you? To what extent is that possible?
Economics Stock market – people’s expectations can affect share prices Bull market Most ppl expect prices to rise, a rational person will buy now, to sell high later – everyone does that? Prices will rise! Bear market Most ppl expect prices to drop, rational person sells – everyone does that? Prices drop! Do you think the behavior of stock markets is governed more y reason or more by emotion?
Anthropology “Voodoo Death” in an aborigine tribe Have you ever been caught breaking a TABOO and said something like, “I am so ashamed I could die”? Do you believe that mental states can affect our physical well-being?
Agenda Review yesterday’s question Knowledge Question Reflection End Goal- Be able to evaluate a knowledge question that combines Reason, History, AND Human Sciences
Quote 1 “I am more interested in how a man lives than how a star dies.” – Sherwin Nuland, What are the implications of this quote? Do you agree with this quote?
Reason, Human Sciences, History What are the philosophical problems with traveling back in time and killing Hitler?
Today Read and Annotate Focus on developing open-ended questions based on the article. Answer the knowledge question.
Agenda 2/11 Review Yesterday’s Work Video on Human Science Definition (a little dry…I am sorry!) Continue building the foundation on Human Sciences
Kill Hitler?!?! Share out your annotations and your open-ended questions…
Kill Hitler?!? What are some AMAZING open-ended questions… Hopefully you have a ton to choose from…..
Human Sciences UioIda2o UioIda2o Write down main ideas, reactions, and open-ended questions!
Human Sciences Discuss Discuss Discuss
Aims of Human Sciences Explain human behavior Formulate theories to predict it Develop remedies for the problems identified by those predictions (There are cynical outlooks…but let’s not turn into cynics just yet…)
Causation and Correlation Figuring out the cause of something can be problematic How do we discern between factors that actually CAUSE something and factors that are just coincidental or CORRELATE?
Causation and Correlation fallacies cum hoc ergo propter hoc With this, therefore, because of this Post hoc ergo propter hoc After this, therefore, because of this IN OTHER WORDS – assuming that one event is caused by another, just because it happened at the same time or afterwards
Handout I think that handout can provide a few better exampls than I can… Read it over and write down some of your thoughts…