Citizens Participation Through Ward Committees By Hansel D’Souza Juhu Citizens Welfare Group
Constitutional Validity Institutional frame work provided by 74 th Amendment through Ward Committees Article 243-S of the constitution states: 1. Wards Committees for one or more wards within Municipality of pop. 3 lakhs or more 2. State Legislature may provide by law: 1. Composition and territorial area 2. Manner of filling committees 3. Corporator should be member 4. Corporator should be chairperson 5. State at liberty to constitute
Concept of ALM’s ALM – Advanced Locality Management Groups Instituted by Bombay Municipal Corporation Consisting of citizens in a neighbourhood Essentially for garbage segregation Neighbourhood cleanliness To assist BMC officials in street maintenance To monitor performance in neighbourhood
Citizens Participation in Juhu 12 ALMs registered with BMC At least 5 more unregistered groups active 25 Reps meet every week under aegis of JCWG Garbage, drainage,encroachment are issues Monthly Juhu Citizen goes to 9000 homes Over half the ward represented (Tot. Pop. 1 lac)
Recommended Structure ALM Rep ALM Rep ALM Rep ALM Rep ALM Rep ALM Rep Ward Committee MLA Constituency Committee City Management Committee
Functions of Ward Committee Monitoring water supply, drainage, sanitation, roads, garbage collection etc Advise on priorities for expenditure in the ward Monitor contract execution Markets, playgrounds, schools, health
Functioning Meet once a week Dispose off preset agenda Arrange once a month ward visit Involve citizenry in developmental projects Educate residents on environmental issues Promote social, community integration Work towards holistic growth of community Raise standards of living