Board of Irish College Societies
What is BICS? BICS is a national organisation, dedicated to providing a national forum for the societies in third level Each member college has: 2 student reps 1 staff rep
Objectives of BICS 1 Promote contact & collaboration between societies 2 To recognise the achievements of societies and individuals’ through the annual awards ceremony
Contact & collaboration
Contact us Answer queries about BICS. Be point of contact with other college societies Promote Inter-Collegiate events. Assist with the BICS Awards application process. Communicate information back to nominees Sean O’Reilly Richard Brown Contact & collaboration NUIG BICS Reps
Contact & collaboration Networking Day and AGM June each year National Forum and Information Exchange January each year National Society Awards April each year BICS Networking Events Any student involved in a society committee can attend BICS networking events
Objective 2 To recognise the achievements of societies
Recognise the achievements of societies Awards annually Since 1996 Purpose is to recognise the huge effort made by the many individuals who run student societies across Ireland. National benchmark for societies & individuals
BICS 2015
Awards Categories Large College >7,500 full time students Small College <7,500 full time students Separate categories Best Society (Academic, Social or Cultural Field) Best Society (Civic or Charity Field) Best Event Most Improved Society Best New Society Best Individual Best Fresher
Awards Categories Small & Large Colleges combined Best Poster Best Publicity Campaign Best Promotional Video Best Photo Best Intervarsity Award
Awards Application Process All member colleges of BICS are entitled to put forward one nominee per category Up to each college to devise their own nomination process Nominees must meet the BICS eligibility criteria
Awards Application Process 1. Application Form 2. Portfolio 3. Interview (for most)
Awards Application Form Each category has it’s own marking scheme Generally divided into 3 subareas Organisation Finance Promotion & Publicity Marking scheme available to view in the Awards Nominee booklet distributed prior and on the application form
Awards Application Form Complete application form in Microsoft Word Upload application form to online awards website Username and password from Submit by noon on 13 th April to the chief adjudicator x3 hard copies of application form x1 portfolio
Awards Portfolio Back up material/ evidence for your application Organisation – constitution, committee, meeting records Finance – budget records, invoices, sponsorship requests Promotion & Publicity – insights, campaigns, articles 1 portfolio is sufficient Any form Whatever format you choose it is the content which is most important
Awards Interview Following categories must attend interview on 14 th April Best Society CAS (Cultural, Academic or Social Field) Best Society CC (Charity or Civic Field) Best Event Most Improved Best New Society Best Individual Best Fresher Maximum of four people permitted to attend each interview Opportunity to develop and discuss
Who are the Awards Adjudicators At least 3 Adjudicators per panel Worked directly with students or involved with student activities They are not there to catch you out!
Awards Banquet Good Food Good Entertainment Awards Presentation
Why enter the BICS Awards? National benchmark of societies Representation of your college at national level Opportunity for you!
Objectives of BICS 1 Promote contact & collaboration between societies 2 To recognise the achievements of societies
Best Intervarsity Award Aimed at encouraging events between different colleges Eligible Events Get at least 2 other colleges involved Event must be open to all colleges Have a competitive element Non students can participate as spectators only
BICS is a national organisation, dedicated to providing a national forum for the societies in third level
Why engage with BICS?
Board of Irish College Societies