Definition: An adverb is a word that describes a verb. smoothly ranwaveddanced
An adverb describes a verb. Slowly runwalklaughyawn Loudly runwalklaughyawn
How did the man dribble the ball? slowly When did the man dribble the ball? now Where did the man dribble the ball? inside
An adverb describes how a verb was done. An adverb describes when a verb happened. An adverb describes where a verb happened. How? happily bounced When? bounced today Where? bounced upstairs Verb: bounced
An adverb describes a verb. An adverb describes a verb. The boy stood by the cliff. The boy stood by the cliff. Jenny asked her mom. Jenny asked her mom. Sam yelled across the room. Sam yelled across the room. He tried to finish his homework. He tried to finish his homework.
The carpenter sawed the board correctly. How? + verb
The fast buffalo ran quickly to find food. How? + verb
Thea gave beautiful roses to her daughter after she sang beautifully. How? + verb
The soft, gray kitten loved to eat his food thoroughly.
The orange hula-hoop spun wildly around him.
Kate gently brought out the birthday cake for Tommy.
The white dog rested quietly in her arms.