Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjectives Modifies a noun or a pronoun Answers the questions: What kind? Which one? How many? How much?
Adverbs Modifies verb, adjective, adverb Answers the questions Where? When? How? To what extent? Often ends in -ly, but not always
Adverbs that don’t end in -ly Again Almost Alone Already Also Always Away Even Ever Here Just Later Never Not Now Nowhere Often Perhaps Quite Rather Seldom So Soon Then There Today Too Very Yet
Game Played in pairs Decide if the underlined word is an adjective or an adverb One point for each correct answer Keep your own score Flash cash to winner(s)
Round 1 Carrie read and interesting story. Hint What kind of story? An interesting story. Answer: Adjective
Round 2 Wendy paid fifty dollars for the jacket. Hint: How many dollars? Fifty dollars Answer: Adjective
Round 3 John ate quickly. Hint: How did he eat? Quickly Answer: Adverb
Round 4 Rex is very happy. Hint: To what extent is Rex happy? Answer: Adverb
Round 5 Warren walks too quickly. Hint: How quickly? Too quickly--quickly is an adverb Answer: Adverb
Round 6 Much space was devoted to her art work. Hint: How much space? Answer: Adjective
Round 7 Older cards are found on the table. Hint: Which cards? Answer: Adjective
Round 8 Kent owns those surfboards. Hint: Which surfboards? Those Answer: Adjective
Round 9 The program was too unrealistic. Hint: To what extent was the program unrealistic? Too unrealistic Answer: Adverb
Round 10 The recent article has that information. Hint: Which article? Answer: Adjective