Fuji Test Beam Line commissioning Y.Sudo Univ. of Tsukuba
Room for test B3 We can control currents of magnets from this room. Network is ready.
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 position of magnets and monitors ( Fuji strait section ) Trigger counter Target + rate monitor Electron monitor(strip scintillator ) 10/11 at 18:00 Magnets are turned on with 3.0GeV/c. 10/12 at 11:00 HER started injection of beam. Beam shutter lead-glass counter
This stage is able to move only vertically. Controller of the stage Concrete block Beam line Beam shutter
Result of last week and plan HER 700mA, LER 1200mA We observed beam ~ 30Hz. Beam energy looks constant. (according to oscilloscope) When shutter is closed, rate of the beam goes down 0Hz. Plans of this week Measurement of correlation between beam intensity and - HER current - condition of the vacuum correlation of intensity between upper side of shutter and lower side Measurement of beam profile with electron monitor. Adjustment of magnets adjust currents of B2-4 between -1% and +1% Pulse shape of lead-glass counter