Relationships With Your Local Funeral Services. Findings from general public questionnaire.
Were you satisfied with the level of care and attention given to you? Yes91% Yes91% No9% No9%
The most important part of the funeral rite? Closure/ time to say goodbye Closure/ time to say goodbye Respect Respect Celebration of life Celebration of life Burial Burial Removal/ Church service Removal/ Church service Good staff Good staff Tradition Tradition
Specifications you would like to see catered for… 65% had no specifications 65% had no specifications Some suggestions were: Non- religious service Non- religious service Humanistic service Humanistic service Less business like, more warmth Less business like, more warmth More information More information Cheaper coffins for cremation Cheaper coffins for cremation Tea/coffee at service Tea/coffee at service
Out of those who were familiar with the term embalming… 50% mentioned the delay of decomposition and/or preservation of the body
Other answers: Taking out organs Taking out organs Removal of body fluids/ injection of chemicals Removal of body fluids/ injection of chemicals Like Egyptian mummies Like Egyptian mummies Body ready for viewing Body ready for viewing 8% had heard the term but could not expand.
Out of the 14% who referred to qualifications… ¾ of these people showed a greater knowledge on the embalming procedure. ¾ of these people showed a greater knowledge on the embalming procedure. They also chose more than this one option. They also chose more than this one option.
Additional services you would like to see offered: 60% had no additional suggestions
Most suggested services: Grief counselling and support groups Grief counselling and support groups Payment schemes/ prices Payment schemes/ prices Humanistic/ choice of religious services Humanistic/ choice of religious services Other suggestions: Help with headstone services. Help with headstone services.