GoSS PREPARATIONS FOR SUDAN CONSORTIUM Aggrey Tisa Sabuni Acting Under Secretary, MoFEP
Content Overview of preparations Proposed agenda and documents needed Identification of GoSS priorities for the Sudan Consortium - outline of process Developing a Strategic Plan to 2011 Next steps
GoSS administrative preparations for the third Sudan Consortium ACTIVITIESRESPONSIBLE BODYACTION Decision on Proposed Date (April 7-9)Steering CommitteeSC to convene & decide Decision on Proposed Venue (Paris)Steering CommitteeSC to convene & decide Content of Plenary SessionsSteering CommitteeAgreed Content of Parallel Technical SessionsSteering CommitteeAgreed Nomination of GoSS participants in joint preparation committee with GoNU Steering CommitteeSC to convene & decide Nomination of GoSS Focal Point for Preparations Steering CommitteeSC to convene & decide
Recap: Proposed Agenda 1.Plenary Sessions CPA Implementation GoNU/GoSS Past Performance (JAM Review) Future priorities & needs (including financing requests) Aid Effectiveness & Aid Co-ordination Public Finance Issues (Budget & Fiscal) 2.Parallel Technical Sessions Meeting the MDGs Basic Service Delivery Private Sector Development
GoSS Documents: Plenary TOPICRESPONSIBLE BODY DOCUMENTNEXT STEPDATE Update on CPA Implementation PresidencyPaper & Presentation PrepareEnd Feb Past Performance (JAM Review) MoFEPPaper & Presentation FinaliseEnd Feb GoSS Priorities up to 2011 & Financing requirements MoFEPPaper & Presentation i) Costing ii) Finalise End Feb Budget & Fiscal Issues MoFEPPaper & Presentation PrepareEnd Feb
GoSS Documents: Parallel Sessions TOPICRESPONSIBLE BODY DOCUMENTNEXT STEPSTARGET DATE Meeting the MDGs MOH & SSCCSEPresentationPrepare2 nd week March Basic Services Delivery MoH, Education, Coops & RD, MoWR&I PresentationConvene Committee, Prepare 2 nd week March Role and Access of the Private Sector MoCT&SPresentationPrepare2 nd week March
Identification of GoSS Priorities for the Sudan Consortium GoSS’s work on future priorities builds on the outputs of the GoSS Budget Sector Working Groups, which identified their objectives & priority activities for 2008 – 2011 in their Budget Sector Plans Based on guidance from the Presidency, and the provisions of the constitution, the 54 priorities in the Budget Sector Plans have been narrowed down to six top expenditure priorities
The Six Top Expenditure Priorities Roads, Security, Primary Health Care, Primary Education, Agriculture, Rural Water 1. Rehabilitate Road Infrastructure, to promote socio-economic development 2. Develop an efficient and effective armed forces, to safeguard security & implement the CPA 3. Provide primary health care to improve the health status of the people of Southern Sudan 4. Promote equitable access to basic education 5. Improve livelihoods & income through development of agriculture 6. Increase access to safe water & sanitation
Consultative Process MoFEP held a multi-stakeholder workshop in January to discuss the priorities The workshop set outcome targets for 2011 in the priority areas, and identified the challenges that GoSS faces in achieving the targets This analysis will form the basis for the GoSS Future Priorities paper at the Sudan Consortium The World Bank has provided a costing expert to help cost the priorities
GoSS Priorities – mapping to NSP MoFEP has already mapped the priority activities from the Budget Sectors to the GoNU National Strategic Plan Most GoSS activities fall within the 3 out of the 8 NSP Key Results Areas (Sustainable Development, MDGs & Poverty Alleviation, Good Governance As a part of the Sudan Consortium process, GoSS will be requesting GoNU to support national projects in the South in priority areas (e.g. national roads)
Developing a Strategy to 2011 The priorities document is intended to guide donor pledges at the Sudan Consortium After the Sudan Consortium, the South will start to develop a strategic plan for the period up to This will also: – act as a Poverty-Eradication Plan – guide formulation of future Budget Sector Plans and donor projects – constitute the South’s input to the National Strategic Plan GoSS will use existing planning structures to develop the strategic plan
GoSS Strategic Planning Structure Governors Civil Society Private Sector All GoSS Ministries Donor Partners State Ministries State Partners Presidential Strategic Planning Council Council of Ministers Steering Committee GoSS Budget Sector Working Groups State Budget Sector Planning Committees GoSS Budget
Preparation for Sudan Consortium – Next Steps Next Steps for GoSS: – Finalisation of JAM Review – Costing of Financing Requirements to 2011 – Preparation of papers Next steps for Steering Committee: – Immediate decision needed on GoSS Focal Point – Immediate decision needed on GoSS Participants in Joint Preparation Committee
GoSS has work to do to complete its Sudan Consortium preparations, but is generally on target THANKS FOR LISTENING