Visual Studio 2013 and Internet Explorer 11 Tips & Tricks for Developers Sascha Corti Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Switzerland |
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The Connected IDE Visual Studio 2013
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High-DPI in Visual Studio 2012
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Developer Productivity Visual Studio 2013
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Advanced Development Environment UI Improvements CodeLens (Code Information Indicators) Scrollbar with Code Preview Peek Definition (In-Code Reference Preview) Enhanced Scrollbars Improved Icons and Colors Team Explorer Snap out Build & Pending Changes Improved UX
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Modern App Development Visual Studio 2013
Windows 8.1 & Windows Phone 8.1 Apps in Visual Studio 2013 Templates and Controls New redesigned Project Templates and Controls for both HTML/JavaScript & XAML Apps New Universal App Templates (Windows 8.1 & Phone 8.1)
Windows 8.1 Apps in Visual Studio 2013 Improved Designer for Win 8.1 Apps XAML and HTML Rules & Guides, Snap to Text Data Panel: Sample Data Support Device Panel: More Resolutions Advanced XAML Editor Data Binding, Template Binding and Resources IntelliSense Navigation between Design and Code using Go to Definition & Find References Complex CSS Animations Timeline in Windows Store HTML App Projects Connected Apps Use Windows Azure Mobile Services to create Push Enabled and Cloud Data integrated Apps Coded UI Test Support For Windows Store XAML Apps
Performance & Diagnostics Visual Studio 2013
Pillars of Performance UI Responsiveness Analyzer. CPU Sampling. Same as the experience shipped in Visual Studio Energy Consumption Profiler. Managed Memory Dump Analysis. Designed for Production Diagnostics Scenarios. Fast. “Snappy” user interaction. Relation: app launch, navigating pages. Fluid. “Smooth” user interaction. Relation: scrolling, panning, animation. Efficient. System “citizenship”. Relation: battery life, memory usage
Performance & Diagnostic Tooling
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Web development Visual Studio 2013
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Browser Link In-Browser Hover Tools Control Connected Browsers View Connected Control Individual
.NET 4.5.1
What’s New in.NET 4.5.1
64-bit Edit and Continue is finally here! Number 9 all time requested feature on UserVoice! Works exactly the same as for 32-bit applications Client (WPF, WinForms, etc.), Store and ASP.NET WAP projects are supported For WAP projects, need to enable Edit & Continue in Project Properties
Method Return Value Inspection Now available for.NET! Access via Autos Window Immediate Window ($ReturnValue) Can expand return value in the debugger
Async Debugging Improvements Question: How did I get here? Supported for Store, Web & Desktop apps in W8.1 Enhancements to the Call Stack and Tasks Window Visual Studio 2012
.NET Framework Feed Enabled in Visual Studio 2013 In Visual Studio 20[10, 12] Tools Options Package Manager Name:.NET Framework Packages Source: feeds/dotnetframework/ feeds/dotnetframework/
demo.NET 4.5.1
Remote Tools Visual Studio 2013
Remote Debugging on ARM Remote Tools for ARM
Windows App Cert Kit on ARM WACK for Windows RT ARM Kits Policy C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\ bin\arm\SecureBoot InstallKitsPolicy.cmd DeleteKitsPolicy.cmd Admin PowerShell> Get-SecureBootPolicy returns 639F31B2-D82F-4C0B-9FCC-6F51DB62377A if installed. BIOS
Windows App Cert Kit on ARM
The New F12 Developer Tools Internet Explorer 11
Internet Explorer 11 F12 Developer Tools DOM Explorer Right-Click Inspect Editable Live DOM Breadcrumb Bar Events Style Inspection CSS Rules Computed Styles Emulation UA Strings Streamlined Doc Modes GPS Emulation Debugger No Refresh Debugging Run-to-Cursor Web Worker Debugging (async) Instrumen- tation Expanded Logging Profiling Snapshots Console works in every Tab
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