The War January 3, 2012
Do Now What are your thoughts on War? Do you agree? Disagree? Defend your position.
Do Now– 1/5 Do you believe countries should “defend” other countries? Even if leads to war? Explain when you believe other countries should be involved.
Do Now Name two causes for WWI? Look at work from last week or pg. 421
Objective Given literature, students will know the causes of WWI, by reading and answering questions with a partner and completing Acronym with explanation and details.
Agenda Do Now Appointment Clocks: 2,4,6 Map Activity ( 4) Vocabulary Smoosh Book ( 6) Causes of World War 1 (2) The Warriors and WWI M.A.I.N—Independent Exit Slip
Group Work/Partner Work CTalk only to partner in whisper voice. H Ask your partner/group for help first. If you still have a question, raise your hand. ACompleting Task. MRemain in your seats( unless instructed otherwise) & Stay with group/partner. P Sharing and discussing ideas, not plagiarizing. S Timer.
4:00 o’clock—Map Activity Using pg. 423, you will color and label all Of the countries listed on the back of your Map. * Remember to follow CHAMPS!
6 o’clock: Vocab Smoosh Book Let’s Make the Smoosh Book!!!! On the Cover write: WORLD WAR I Each page will include a term, definitions of term in your own words, and a picture/symbol Terms: Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, mobilization, propaganda, trench warfare, war of Attrition.
2 o’clock : Causes of World War I W/ your partner answer all the questions, using literature.
The Warriors and WWI After looking at some of the causes and watching the Warriors clip, how do you think the two compare? Are there similarities?
Proving Behavior Using your notes, pg. 421, and the M.A.I.N handout, you are going to: 1) Completely write category 2) 1 st Box: Describe how it caused WWI 3) In the 2 nd box provide a specific example and draw a picture. **** You may use the handout I have given you or be completely creative and work from a black piece of paper w/ the same components.
End of Class C Listening to directions H Raise Hand A Exit Slip or Review M Push in Chairs after being dismissed. Clean Up. P Focus S Teacher
Exit Slip: Behind Appt. Clock What were two causes of WWI? Explain them.
Exit Slip What does M.A.I.N stand for?