“DESIREE’S BABY” By Kate Chopin
Began writing at the suggestion of her family doctor who was concerned about her emotional health after the death of her mother and husband Writing captured the local color of and essence of life in Louisiana Her themes of writing challenged social boundaries and were often considered controversial: nature of marriage, racial prejudice and women’s desire for equality (p. 632)
IRONY Irony- contrast between what is stated and what is meant Verbal Irony- use of words to suggest the opposite of their meaning; sarcasm Ex: You get an F on a reading quiz, and your buddy leans over to say, “Hey, nice work. You have must have read a lot last night.” Dramatic Irony- occurs when readers are aware of something that a character is not Ex: You know the killer is hiding in the pantry, but the characters in the slasher movie are not aware of what you know Situational Irony- occurs when the outcome of an action or situation is very different from what one expects Ex. Finding out that the helpful child psychiatrist is actually a ghost at the end of The Sixth Sense! Totally unexpected!
SIMILE Simile- comparing two things using like or as Ex. The passion that awoke in him that day, when he saw her at the gate, swept along like an avalanche, or like a prairie fire, or like anything that drives headlong over all obstacles. What is being compared in this simile?
REGIONALISM Regionalism depicts and analyzes the unique qualities of a geographical area and its people Local color- captures the attitudes or customs of a geographical area
ACTIVITY 1( PREREADING) Decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. Men’s thoughts and decisions are more valid than women’s. 2. Mothers love their children more than fathers do. 3. It is okay to judge people by their outward actions. 4. It is okay to judge people by their physical appearance and/or skin color. 5. People of biracial or multiracial heritage must choose which race to be a part of.
ACTIVITY 2 ( WHILE READING) Complete the Thinking Plot Diagram as you read this story Next to each piece of the diagram, copy one simile from the story What was the situational irony in this story?
ACTIVITY 3 (POST READING) Write a short sequel to this story on your own paper. What do you think happened after the author’s ending?