Date 日期 : 12/28/2013 Teacher 老师 : John Anderson This week we studied: 这星期我们学了 : Unit 8 Past tense and phonics Next week we will study: 下星期我们要学 : Unit 9 vocabulary and dialogues Dear parents, I trust you received the invitation for a conference with me during the dates of January 6 th, and 7 th. I look forward to this opportunity to meet with you and discuss your child ’ s behavior and performance, so please do sign up and come in! Next week we will dive into Unit 9, but please continue to review some of the Units 7 and 8 past tense in the future. We really need to make this a part of regular practice and review. CURRICULUM TESTING and REVIEW These mornings I have been doing the Super Kids curriculum testing and making notes for areas needing review. I am noticing that while many of the students are familiar with the material, they frequently score a number of questions wrong. This is not because they have not learned the material, but because they lack mastery. Again, mastering the material comes with more and more practice and review. Hopefully I will create a Power Point test you can use at home to assess your child ’ s English level and work on those areas which need review KEEP READING!
PAST TENSE GAME: MEMORY Below is a game I hope you will enjoy playing with your child. The model is “memory.” Each player tries to find matches. Simply click any two cards to see if they are the same; re-click them to cover them up again. If you find a match, leave them uncovered until all the matches are discovered. Of course, be sure to name each card when it is clicked: “he said goodbye,” or “she walked her dog,.” etc. You can play against your child so that both of you try and find the most matches. This is also posted on the website—enjoy! Below are the Unit 9 materials—have a great holiday have Sincerely, Teacher John
Vocabulary / 生字 : Unit 9 (Page 69–70) a watch, a video game, a jigsaw puzzle, a dictionary cake, ice cream, juice, jello Dialogue / 對話 : Unit 9 (Page 69–70) This is for you. Wow! A watch! Thanks, guys. May I have some more cake, please? Sorry, it’s all gone. I don’t have any cake. Bye, everyone. Bye, Jessie. Don’t forget to write. I won’t.
Grammar / 语法 : Unit 9 (Page 71–72) Build it! 1 Pronouns: I, you(sing.), you (plural) Nouns: lemonade, apple pie, cheesecake, pudding Example: “I have some apple pie.” “I don’t have any apple pie.” Build it! 2 Pronouns: You (singular);You (plural); I; We Nouns: mustard; soy sauce; salad dressing; ketchup Example: “Do you have any mustard?” “Yes I/we do.”
Chants / 吟诵話 : Unit 9 Sing-A-Gram (Tune: She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain) A: Do you have any mustard? B: Yes, we do. Yes, we do. A: Do you have any mustard? B: Yes, we do. Yes, we do. A: Do you have any ketchup? Do you have any ketchup? B: No, we don’t. No, we don’t.
Phonics / 拼音 : Unit 9 ow – snow bowl throw window oa – boat coat toast soap Songs / 歌曲 : Unit 9 (Page 75) Sing it! Don’t forget to write. I won’t. I won’t. Don’t forget to write. We won’t.