MODULE 20 MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS “Money isn’t everything; the job counts too” What is the link between motivation, performance, and rewards? How do job designs and work schedules influence motivation?
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Motivation, Performance and Rewards MODULE GUIDE 20.1 Motivation is influenced by both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Merit pay has pros and cons as a pay-for- performance system. Bonuses and profit sharing plans link pay with performance. Employee stock ownership ties financial rewards to firm performance.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Motivation, Performance and Rewards
Extrinsic Reward is provided by someone else. Intrinsic Reward occurs naturally during job performance. Performance-contingent Reward is linked directly to job performance.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Motivation, Performance and Rewards Merit Pay awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions. Bonus Pay provides one-time payments based on performance accomplishments. Profit Sharing distributes to employees a proportion of net profits earned by the organization. Gain Sharing allows employees to share in cost savings or productivity gains realized by their efforts. Stock Options give the right to purchase shares at a fixed price in the future.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules MODULE 20.2 Job simplification builds narrow, routine, and repetitive jobs. Job rotation and job enlargement increase task variety in job content. Job enrichment expands job content with self- management responsibilities. Self-managing teams are a form of job enrichment for groups. Alternative work schedules offer flexibility in job context. Contingency and part-time work have pluses and minuses.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules
Job Design is the allocation of specific work tasks to individuals and groups.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules Job Simplification employs people in clearly defined and very specialized tasks. Job Rotation increases task variety by periodically shifting workers between different jobs. Job Enlargement allows individuals to perform a broader range of tasks; job rotation allows individuals to shift among different jobs of similar skill levels. Self Managing Teams Make many decisions about how they do their work
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules
Alternative Work Schedules Compressed Workweek allows a worker to complete a full-time job in less than the standard five days of 8-hour shifts Flextime describes any work schedule that gives employees some choice in daily work hours. Job Sharing two or more persons split one full-time job. Telecommuting involves using IT to work at home or outside the office.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules Contingency and Part-Time Work Part-time Work is temporary employment for less than the standard 40-hour workweek. Contingency Workers are employed on a part-time and temporary basis to supplement a permanent workforce.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules MANAGEMENT TIPS How to make telecommuting work for you: Treat telecommuting like any workday; keep regular hours. Limit nonwork distractions; set up private space dedicated to work. Establish positive routines and work habits; be disciplined. Report regularly to your boss and main office; don’t lose touch. Seek out human contact; don’t become isolated. Use technology: instant messaging, intranet links, Net meetings. Keep your freedoms and responsibilities in balance. Reward yourself with time off; let flexibility be an advantage.
MOTIVATIONAL DYNAMICS Job Designs and Work Schedules Work schedule trends and preferences: Flextime ranks #1 in desired job supports. 12% of U.S. workers do some remote work. 70% of Agilent’s workers are remote at least some of the time. 33% of women and 28% of men would like part-time work if they could afford it. 58% of retiring baby boomers would like to work part- time.