Individual Service Funds Calderdale Where we are at... Angela Gardner Commissioning Manager
Background to where we are now Home care re tender Moved to 3 zones with one preferred provider in each zone Developed ISFs to ensure capacity in the market and to offer people more choice and flexibility about how there care was delivered.
Engagement We visited everyone who had home care to let them know what was happening with the re tender. Get their views on home care, the good the bad and the ugly And how this may affect them and discussed options for them if they wanted to keep their current provider ie. Direct Payment or ISF or wait and see who got the new contract and transfer to them.
Findings Initial indications suggested a 50/50 split in people wanting to stay with current provider using an ISF and people wanting the provider who secured the new contract. When it came to transferring people the numbers wanting an ISF rose substantially and some people also wanted to use their ISF to move to new providers who were waiting to move into the market.
Findings Delay in implementing ISF People just wanted to keep what they had No staff to TUPE over to new providers, so no capacity to pick up work as was expected People using an ISF as that is where the capacity is....
Culture During the lead up to implementing ISFs a lot of work was done with: Providers Social Care staff Developed information for staff and the public
What are we doing now? Working with Simon and new guidance Whole system is being reviewed – Including 3-way Agreement Setting up a forum for people who use an ISF to help shape the future. Working with providers in 2 areas who are want to work with us. Working with social care, Reablement and nursing staff
What are we doing now? Looking at good practice and building on it Moving to outcome focused support planning Taking an Asset Based Community Development approach working with communities, helping people link back to community
Learning! This is not a quick fix It is a whole system shift and takes time You can implement new systems but if you haven't won the hearts and minds of the people implementing the systems nothing will change
What is changing for people One lady banks her hours in order that she can have respite at home rather than going to residential which she is frightened of so her husband can have a week away with his son. Her support changes from 4 calls a day to a temporary live-in service A lady had to relocate to a care home during flooding, additional care and support was implemented with her same carers attending to settle her in
What is changing for people A lady went to Wales on holiday and the provider purchased support on her behalf from a local agency in Wales When a gentleman suddenly became 'end of life' care he requested sleep-ins as he was frightened, the provider reorganised his hours to accommodate this the same night.
What is changing for people One gentleman has a fluctuating condition and changes his hours/times and staff he wants virtually on a weekly basis to suit his changing needs This organisation also work with a number of individuals who use their staff and sub contracted self employed PAs mixed. Provider staff for personal cares and PAs for companionship and social outings.
What is changing for people When daycentres became unavailable or people did not want to, or could not attend due to ill health they were able to provide locally through Ver De Gris and other local community provision.