(8.1 – 8.3)
A wave is an oscillation that transfers energy through space or mass A vibration or oscillation is classified as a cyclical motion about an equilibrium point.
MECHANICAL WAVES ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES Require a medium to transmit energy Examples: Sound waves (medium = air) Ocean waves (medium = water) Waves on a guitar string (medium = metal strings) Can travel without a medium (ie. In a vacuum) Examples: Light Radio waves Ultraviolet waves Infrared waves
Mechanical Wave: the transfer of energy through a material due to vibration. Medium: the material that permits the transmission of energy through vibrations. Net Motion: the displacement of a particle over a certain time interval; the difference between the particles initial and final positions.
TRANSVERSE WAVESLONGITUDINAL WAVES particle vibration is perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer particle vibration is parallel to the direction of the energy transfer Sometimes called compression waves
Crest – Max point of transverse wave Trough – Min point of transverse wave Amplitude – The maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium point
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