Lesson Two Ship Design
Contents Design essentials Design Procedure advances factors concepts requirements Detailed operation
Controllable factors form size proportion length speed stability strength Uncontrollable factors weather condition crew’s competence ship’s maintenance
Advances in ship design new welding techniques developments in main propulsion plants advances in electronics changes in materials methods of construction
welding robot /robot welder
reducing environment pollution by introducing a hybrid boat which uses wind and solar energy to power its on-board electrical installations, but also for the purpose of propulsion
Digital Manufacturing Essentially it is a computer technique for defining all the steps necessary to build a product (structural assembly, install an engine, join blocks together, bend pipe, etc.), test them for completeness, and generate machine and work instructions to manufacture them.
Digital Manufacturing 1 a computer technique for defining all the steps necessary to build a product (structural assembly, install an engine, join blocks together, bend pipe, etc.), test them for completeness, and generate machine and work instructions to manufacture them. 2 The overall phases are: Process Planning; Process Detailing and Validation; Resource Modeling and Simulation; and the extraction of Manufacturing Data and Work Instructions. 3 The three most critical objectives of Digital Manufacturing are to shorten time-to-production; dramatically reduce rework; and improve craft labor utilization and efficiencies. 4Digital manufacturing focus on reducing production schedule variances, avoiding unbuildable or ergonomically unsafe conditions, minimizing change orders after design freeze, and shortening response time to changes and unplanned conditions in the yard. 5 other goals include maximizing pre-outfitting during hull section assembly, early assessment of design for production, increased return on production assets, and minimal work in process.
Key concepts in ship design Displacement lightweight Deadweight ship has three tonnage weights 1-Displacement :is the actual total weight 2-light weight :ship's hull, machinery and any fixed equipments. 3-dead weight : fuel,water ballast, fresh water, cargo,passenger and stores. then Displacement = Dead Wt + Light Wt displacement can be calculated from Block coefficients at certain drafts from ship hydrostatic curves
Owner’s requirements minimum deadweight carrying capacity specified measurement tonnage limit selected speed maximum draft fuel oil consumption efficient ship
Assignments Design terms Design concepts Design procedure