On the role of circulation and mixing in the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone of the eastern tropical North Atlantic Peter Brandt with contributions from H. W. Bange, D. Banyte, M. Dengler, S.-H. Didwischus, T. Fischer, R. J. Greatbatch, J. Hahn, T. Kanzow, J. Karstensen, A. Körtzinger, G. Krahmann, S. Schmidtko, L. Stramma, T. Tanhua and M. Visbeck GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Oxygen Depletion in the North Atlantic OMZ Oxygen data show a reduction of dissolved oxygen in the North Atlantic OMZ over the last 40 years. Stramma et al mol/kg Motivation
Habitat Reduction for Pelagic Fishes Stramma et al. 2011
Main Questions How are oxygen minimum zones ventilated? Can we derive an oxygen budget for the ETNA OMZ? Can we expect a further decline of oceanic oxygen in the future due to anthropogenic climate change? Motivation
Mean Circulation and Oxygen Distribution Complex zonal current system connects high-oxygen western boundary regime with sluggish flow in the eastern basin. Brandt et al Mean Oxygen Distribution
Measurement Programme Repeat ship section along 23°W; moored observations; microstructure measurements; tracer release Mean Oxygen Distribution Brandt et al. 2014
Mean 23°W Section Equatorial oxygen maximum Deep oxycline at about 300m or =26.8 kg/m 3 OMZ is ventilated from the west by zonal currents
Oxygen Budget Oxygen sink Heterotrophic respiration Oxygen source or sink: Diapycnal mixing Meridional eddy fluxes Advection by latitudinally alternating zonal jets Oxygen tendency Oxygen Minimum Zone
Respiration Estimates AOUR: apparent oxygen utilization rate Derived as the ratio of AOU and CFC11 ages Exponential decay of AOUR downward is assumed Karstensen et al Heterotrophic respiration
Diapycnal Mixing Microstructure measurements yield a diapycnal diffusivity, K, that is relatively constant in the depth range of the OMZ Ventilation Processes Fischer et al. 2013
Diapycnal Mixing Ventilation Processes Fischer et al. 2013
Hahn et al Meridional Eddy Fluxes Two Methods Eddy correlation method applied to moored observations of oxygen and meridional velocity (here at 5°N, 23°W) Flux gradient parameterization based on repeat ship sections Ventilation Processes
Eddy Flux Divergence Oxygen supply due to meridional eddy flux Ventilation Processes Hahn et al Meridional eddy diffusivity
Meridional Eddy Supply Ventilation Processes Hahn et al. 2014
Oxygen Depletion in the North Atlantic OMZ = Climate Change? Oxygen data show a reduction of dissolved oxygen in the North Atlantic OMZ over the last 40 years. Stramma et al mol/kg Oxygen Minimum Zone
Possible Explanations for Oxygen Depletion Increased stratification and a corresponding reduction of ventilation, or solubility changes associated with a warming of subducted water masses (Bopp et al. 2002; Matear and Hirst 2003) Increase in heterotrophic respiration along the pathways of ventilating water masses due to excess organic carbon formed at higher CO 2 levels (Oschlies et al. 2008) Increase of organic matter oxidization in shallow waters due to reduction of mineral ballast fluxes (Hofmann and Schellnhuber 2009) Observations indicate circulation changes: weakening of zonal jets (Brandt et al. 2010) Oxygen Minimum Zone
m, 9-15°N, 20-26°W m, 9-15°N, 20-26°W
Summary Advection dominates upper 300m ventilation Deoxygenation represents a substantial oxygen imbalance of the oxygen budget (about 10%) Deoxygenation associated with anthropogenic climate change might not be the dominant signal on regional scale Hahn et al. 2014