10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 1 Michal Tomášek, Václav Vrba Institute of Physics, AS CR, Prague Measurements of Diodes with guard rings for Silicon Sensors
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 2 Outline Test structures for pre-prototyping of silicon sensors Cross section of the diode with guard rings Measurement results Conclusions
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 3 Test Structures for Pre-prototyping of Si Sensors Using existing masks: elaborate the technology process of sensor fabrication (check thickness and quality of layers, accuracy of masks alignment, electrical properties of substrate, radiation hardness, etc.) ; estimate the quality of sensors; evaluate some effects of high resistive silicon, guard rings, scribe lines, etc. we used following input material : Used Irradiation doses: thickness [ m] 1.6 *10^14 cm^-2 SSP Wacker *10^14 DSP Topsil *10^14 DSP Topsil *10^15 DSP Topsil 250
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 4 Diode with guard rings Cross section Bottom view Active area cca 0.25 cm 2
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 5 I-V curves: Vbreak-down Vop Vop < cca 30 nA/cm2 nornalized for temperature 20 C
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 6 Vfull-depletion: substrate resistivity calculation used frequency 10 kHz
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 7 C-V curves: determination of Vfull-depletion; Vop = Vfull-depletion + 50 V.
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 8 Basic equipment : micromanipulators with contact needles; I-V: Keithley 237 C-V: LCR meter HP 4284A
10 October 2003, FCM, Krakow Michal Tomášek, Institute of Physics AS CR 9 Conclusions The measurement results of the pre- prototyping test structures testify applicability of the used technology process for sensor prototyping. The pre-prototype diodes can be used for initial exercises with electronics, particle sources, etc.