Proposal for cooperation Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” Bolivia
Country Map with reference to location of the university (ies) UCB-Santa Cruz No. Students: No. Staff: 239 Ratio PhD/Staff: 2.9% Gender Balance: Male: 44.6% Female: 55.4% No. Academic Programs:38 UCB-Tarija No. Students: 838 No. Staff: 89 Ratio PhD/Staff: 2.2% Gender Balance: Male: 59.1% Female:40.9% No. Academic Programs:18 UCB-Cochabamba No. Students: No. Staff: 294 Ratio PhD/Staff: 20.7% Gender Balance: Male: 56.3% Female: 43.7% No. Academic Programs: 63 UCB- La Paz No. Students: No. Staff: 581 Ratio PhD/Staff: 3.4% Gender Balance: Male: 52.1% Female: 47.9% No. Academic Programs: 78 Seven rural campuses with 3000 students and 21 academic programs
Three things you should know about our university 1.UCB offers academic services in four differentes cities, located in three differents socio-ecoregions of Bolivia, and in seven different rural areas of the country. 2.UCB is a special regime university, being part of the national public university system. It is a non-proffit and a public-right organization. 3.UCB is a research-oriented university, with the largest amount of peer review academic journals in Bolivia.
The main problems / challenges Global Climate Conditions Limited access to natural resources (water and soil) Decrease rural economic activities and food production Unequal access to resources leads to conflict and affects indigenous/peasants rights Production problems impoverishing rural families Rural people move to urban areas, suffering inequality and family vulnerability
ILC Collaborative methodology UCB Local Goverment NGO´s Public University Grassroots Org. Civil Society Social vulnerability Water management Food sovereignty Indigenous rights & social conflict Production development Our approach (theory of change) Socio economic and ecological Context Master Programs Doctoral School Observatories Capacity Building Socio economic impact
Identified projects to respond to the challenges ahead Thematic project Expertise required per thematic project Crosscutting themes for all thematic projects P1 Strenghtening capacities to aleviate social vulnerabilty conditions related to bio-psyco social health, migration and violence in Bolivia Research methodologies with vulnerable populations Gender, Migration & Violence Community & social health Social risk assessment Collaborative methodology training Vulnerability community mappings methodology training Strenghtening research and education capacities Local community development P2 Promoting food soverignity and nutrition innovations in vulnerable communities in Bolivia Expertice in experimental methodologies focus in technology adaptation and water management for the agricultural sector. Enegeniering expertice in food production and nutrition. Expertice un agrobussines model. P3 Capacity building for integrated management of water resources in Bolivia Water resources engeneering Lab analysis (chemical, biologycal and physics) Water management (hydrology, hydraulics)
Identified projects to respond to the challenges ahead) Continue Thematic project Expertise required per thematic project Crosscutting themes for all thematic projects P4 Rights of indigenous peoples and transformation of social conflicts Human and indigenous rights Social transformation/mediation and dialogue Citizenship in multicultural contexts Collaborative methodology training Vulnerability community mappings methodology training Strenghtening research and education capacities Local community development P5 Production development project Technological transfer for emergent bussiness Development tools for Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship development through integrated community- based activities Local Community Development P6 Interdisciplinary learning communities as a driving force for academic capacity building (Transversal Project) Collaborative methodology specialists for capacity building and local community development
Eric Roth Ph.D