The Family: A Proclamation to the World “Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.” All of these are important, however we will be focusing on…
Luke 7:47 “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” FORGIVENESS WHY SHOULD WE FORGIVE? WHY SHOULD WE FORGIVE?
Forgiveness Discussion: Is this quote true? Why is it hard to forgive others?
An Example To All Of Us: Corrie ten Boom Corrie ten Boom was born April 15, 1892 in Amsterdam. During the occupation of the Netherlands, the ten Boom family helped many Jews escape the Nazi Holocaust. When they were caught they were sent to Scheveningen prison, where their father died. Later she and her sister, Betsie, were sent to a concentration camp and to a death camp. Betsie died there on; just before dying she told Corrie, "There is no pit so deep that He [God] is not deeper still.“ Through the concentration and death camps, Corrie was able to see the Lord’s hand and draw closer to him. Her story of the Holocaust can be found in her book, The Hiding Place. Corrie Ten Boom on Forgiveness
Forgiveness Discussion: Corrie ten Boom talked about how she could not forgive the man, have you ever had that? Is forgiving others really necessary? When you don’t forgive others how does it affect you? How does it affect those around you? Can the spirit be in a home with contention? Do we need outside help to help us to forgive others?
Data and Research Kiefer et al., wrote that: “Forgiveness is defined as replacing the negative emotions of unforgiveness (i.e., resentment, bitterness, hatred, hostility, anger, and fear) with positive other- oriented emotions (i.e., empathy, sympathy, compassion, romantic love, or parental love;” (2010). When we don’t forgive, our relationships are rocky. If we are not willing to forgive, there will be less love and more contention. Carr and Wang: “Forgiveness is an active choice to release resentment and bitterness, avoid vengeful behavior, and progress toward conciliatory behavior which often leads to reconciliation. Forgiveness is rarely a singular event; rather, it requires an active and ongoing decision to incorporate these sentiments into the relationship” (2012). We all need to forgive our loved ones, but depending upon the severity of the situation, it will take time and effort.
Modern-Day Revelation “Don’t treasure up past wrongs, reprocessing them again and again. In a marriage relationship, festering is destructive; forgiving is divine. Plead for the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord to forgive wrongs …, to overcome faults, and to strengthen relationships” Not forgiving our family members hurts us far more than it will hurt them. It is a burden to carry this around. “If there be any who nurture in their hearts the poisonous brew of enmity toward another, I plead with you to ask the Lord for strength to forgive. This expression of desire will be of the very substance of your repentance. It may not be easy, and it may not come quickly. But if you will seek it with sincerity and cultivate it, it will come. … There will come into your heart a peace otherwise unattainable.” Elder Dallin H. OaksPresident Gordon B. Hinckley
Personal Application When we don’t forgive those around us, it acts as a poison within us. Holding something against an individual, according to Modern-Day Prophets and researchers, is detrimental to our relationships, to those around us, and to ourselves. Is there someone in your life who perhaps needs forgiveness? Is there someone in your home, someone in your family who has done an unjust or an unkind or an unchristian thing? “In many families, there are hurt feelings and a reluctance to forgive. It doesn’t really matter what the issue was. It cannot and should not be left to injure. Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals.” –President Thomas S. Monson
Academic References Carr, K., & Wang, T. R. (2012). “Forgiveness Isn't a Simple Process: It's a Vast Undertaking”: Negotiating and Communicating Forgiveness in Nonvoluntary Family Relationships. Journal Of Family Communication, 12(1), Jones, J. G., (2013). “Nine Principles for a Successful Marriage and Family”. Ensign. principles-for-a-successful-marriage-and-family Kiefer, R. P., Worthington, E. L., Myers, B. J., Kliewer, W. L., Berry, J. W., Davis, D. E., &... Hunter, J. L. (2010). “Training Parents in Forgiving and Reconciling.” American Journal Of Family Therapy, 38(1),
Other References forgive-forgiveness-is-the-attribute-of The Hiding Place d20110VgnVCM f620a____&vgnextoid=cf755f74db46c010Vg nVCM d82620aRCRD