Management and evaluation of open policy processes Mikko V. Pohjola Nordem Oy, THL, Santasport Institute
Open policy practice
Framework for knowledge-based policy
Case: street dust season Happens every spring when snow melts and streets dry up Salt, sand, ground asphalt,... -> ambient particulate matter in all sizes Problem influenced e.g. by wind, traffic, weather Mostly affects people living in cities, but also e.g. those who drive a lot What can be done to reduce The problem per se? Its effects?
Properties of good decision support Quality of content Applicability – Relevance – Availability – Usability – Acceptability Efficiency
Settings of assessment Impacts Causes Problem owner Target Interaction
Dimensions of openness Scope of participation Access to information Timing of openness Scope of contribution Impact of contribution
Acceptability Is all relevant and important information desribed? Are all relevant and important value judgments described? Are the decision maker's decision criteria decribed? Is the decision maker's rationale from the criteria to the decision described?