SEMINAR “PHYSICS” SPM 2011 SMJK CONFUCIAN Penceramah: Thong Kum Soon A rolling ball gain kinetic energy, but without frictional force, it won’t change direction.
SEMINAR KECEMERLANGAN SPM 2011 Slot 1 Paper 1 SPM 50 objective questions Slot 2 Paper 2 SPM 8 Structure 2 essays of 4 essays Slot 3 Paper 3 SPM 2 Structure 1 essays of 2 essays Slot 4 Difficult Topic Discussion Slot 5 Questions and Answer
Paper 1 SPM Paper 1 consists of 50 Objective questions The style of questions are A,B,C or A,B,C,D or A,B,C,D,E A,B,C A,B,C,D A,B,C,D,E This paper usually test of each chapter of Physics SPM Syllabus Try out the recent SPM questions from 2003 to 2010 (8 years will do) Train the speed of time schedule of finishing the questions
Choices of 4 answers SPM 2008
CHOICES OF 3 Answers SPM 2008
Choices of 4 Answers SPM 2006
PAPER 2 (Structure) Video(Structure) Video
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Sample Paper 2
TOP Priority video video Decision making answer
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Tabulation h, cm Symbol, unit X1, cmX2, cml, difference in liquid level,cm 1 decimal place (Value from instrument) 1 decimal place 2 decimal place 3 decimal places (instrument) t,sT,sT2,s2
I/ AV/volts I/ A V/volts x x x x x √ √ √ Graph of voltage versus current √ title axes, units √√ 0 √ 0 √
Deduce from the graph Extrapolate from graph and state the value Determine gradient, step working and unit Following substitution of equation from above value Precaution
QUESTION 2 Video No 2 question example
m = dy/dx = 1.00 /0.4 = 2.50 volt/amp = 2.50 ohm When current is 0.2A, The value of V = 0.45 Volt Determine gradient Potential difference
PAPER 3 Analysis Format Answer
State Precautions State how you carry out the precaution and why. The eye is observe perpendicular to the ………. Of the pointer ammeter to reduce paralax error Several sets of reading are taken and the mean calculated to improve accuracy to avoid systematic error. Off the switch when reading is not taken, to avoid heating of wire and systematic error
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PAPER 3 part B Extra video
Inference : MV influence RV Hypothesis When MV increases RV… INCREASE OR DECREASE…… Aim :To investigate the relationship between MV and RV Variables Manipulated :MV Responding: RV Constant ; Quantitive Apparatus : Including measuring instruments for MV and RV Arrangement : Show MV and RV clearly on diagram Procedure to control manipulated variable MV is set as ….. using ……. RV is measured using ……. (instrument) Experiment is repeated with MV as … data 1,2,3,4,5 Tabulate data MV and RV Analysis Graph MV is axes x /unit, RV is axes y /unit MV / unit RV/unit MV/u nit RV/unit
1.Inference : The RV of ……………depend on (MV) length influence period 2.Hypothesis: The bigger the…………., the smaller the….. 3.Aim : To determine the relationship between length and period(time) of oscillation 4.Variables MV:lengthRV period Fixed variable : mass of pendulum bob ( quantitative)
5.Apparatus list : measuring instruments for MV and RV must be in the list Eg meter rule and stop watch. 6.Labeled diagram: Show MV and RV clearly on diagram 7.Procedure: Use Question 1 as template i.The apparatus is is set up as in the diagram. iiThe manipulated variable length is set as 70 cm using the iii.The responding variable is measured using the iv.The experiment is repeated..... times with the manipulated variable as
5.Apparatus list : measuring instruments for MV and RV must be in the list Eg meter rule and stop watch. 6.Labeled diagram: Show MV and RV clearly on diagram 7.Procedure: Use Question 1 as template i.The apparatus is is set up as in the diagram. iiThe manipulated variable length is set as 70 cm using the iii.The responding variable is measured using the iv.The experiment is repeated..... times with the manipulated variable as
Communication (MBS)
(d) State or comparison from the diagram 2 marks (e) relationship between two diagram 2 marks