pac10-analysis locations B. Compare in details with Taiwan ship-ADCP Data: seasonal means. A. Compare in details with satellite in Luzon Strait & South China Sea: 1. means & StdDs: xy- contours (maps) both SSHA & geostrophic currents (mean+variance ellipses); 2. seasonal Yoyo’s pac10-analysis tasks, A & B I hope you can present these results for your PhD Entrance exam to NCU in May/2012
pac10-STCC analysis Alu’s pac10-analysis STCC Means, eddies + PV etc: is there an STCC in the model? Alu, you have read many papers – so now you can apply what you have learned. BTW, I still want you to finish up your idealized case – do that first for OSM!! Write a DRAFT paper based on what you have.
pac10-analysis: transects A-G A. Kuroshio Transport off Luzon at ~18N, mean & seasonal – see Sheu, Wu & Oey (2010) B. Compare in details with ADCP’s: means & StdDs: 1. xz-contours; 2. Transport time-ser + mean & StdD; Johns, W.E., T.N. Lee, D. Zhang and R. Zantopp, 2001: The Kuroshio east of Taiwan: moored transport observations from the WOCE PCM-1 array. J.Phys.Oceanogr., 31, 1031–1053. E. Kuroshio Transport at PN-line, mean & seasonal C. Flows across the Luzon Strait – upper & lower & whole, mean & seasonal D. Transport through the Taiwan Strait – mean & seasonal: ship ADCP G. Tsushima Strait transport F. Karimatan Strait: transport H. JMA-Section (137 o E,3-34 o N)
pac10-analysis: transects A-G A. Kuroshio Transport off Luzon at ~18N, mean & seasonal – see Sheu, Wu & Oey (2010) B. Compare in details with ADCP’s: means & StdDs: 1. xz-contours; 2. Transport time-ser + mean & StdD; Johns, W.E., T.N. Lee, D. Zhang and R. Zantopp, 2001: The Kuroshio east of Taiwan: moored transport observations from the WOCE PCM-1 array. J.Phys.Oceanogr., 31, 1031–1053. E. Kuroshio Transport at PN-line, mean & seasonal C. Flows across the Luzon Strait – upper & lower & whole, mean & seasonal D. Transport through the Taiwan Strait – mean & seasonal: ship ADCP G. Tsushima Strait transport F. Karimatan Strait: transport
IHOS - Taiwan Ocean Prediction (TOP) Research Highlights; Oct/20/2011; by L.Oey. IHOS is developing an ocean current and wave prediction model: the Taiwan Ocean Prediction (TOP) system that eventually will include also air-sea (with typhoons) and air-sea-ice coupling, as well as biogeochemical processes. Three recent publications and an example of the simulated SST over the entire North Pacific Ocean are given below. 1.Chang, Y.-L. & L.-Y. Oey, 2011: The Philippines-Taiwan Oscillation: Monsoon-Like Interannual Oscillation of the Subtropical- Tropical Western North Pacific Wind System and Its Impact on the Ocean. J. Climate, in press. PDF Format. Download PTO Data (text file) here.PDF FormatDownload PTO Data (text file) here 2.Chang, Y.-L., and L.-Y. Oey, 2011: Interannual and seasonal variations of Kuroshio transport east of Taiwan inferred from 29 years of tide-gauge data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08603, doi: /2011GL Fujisaki, A. and L. ‐ Y. Oey, 2011: Formation of ice bands by winds, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10015, doi: /2010JC TOP sea-surface temperature (SST) on Jun/06/1988 during the developing stage of the strong La Niña when waters as cold as 19 o C is simulated in the eastern equatorial Pacific in excellent agreement with observation ( nina-story.html#). TOP also simulates a beautiful meandering Kuroshio that separates off the eastern coast of Japan, as well as the intrusion of very warm waters (SST≈31 o C) into the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait. (From Lu, H.-F. & L.-Y. Oey, 2011: Instability waves and eddies of the Subtropical Counter Current in the North Pacific Ocean, Manuscript in preparation). nina-story.html#
pac10-analysis locations C. Compare in details with ADCP’s: means & StdDs: 1. xz-contours; 2. Transport time-ser + mean & StdD; Johns, W.E., T.N. Lee, D. Zhang and R. Zantopp, 2001: The Kuroshio east of Taiwan: moored transport observations from the WOCE PCM-1 array. J.Phys.Oceanogr., 31, 1031–1053. B. Compare in details with Taiwan ship-ADCP Data: seasonal means. A. Compare in details with satellite in Luzon Strait & South China Sea: 1. means & StdDs: xy- contours (maps) both SSHA & geostrophic currents (mean+variance ellipses); 2. seasonal